I have been fighting comment spammers for weeks, and I think I’-ve finally found the right combo:
- I don’-t use “-Askimet”- anymore (it constantly sent my own comments in the spam area!!!)-
- I use “-Bad Behavior”- (it protects this blog from naughty spambots)-
- I use “-Peter’-s Math Anti-Spam Image”- (it makes sure the commenter is a human being and not a spambot)-
- I use “-WP AJAX Edit Comments”- (it allows commenters to edit their comments, post publication)-
- I use “-Subscribe To Comments”- (it allows commenters to receive e-mail notifications of new comments to a post)-
- I use “-NoFollow Free”- (it allows the commenters’- links to be computed by the Google PageRank system)-
- I use “-TinyMCEComments”- (it puts a visual editor in the comment area)-
- I use “-WordPress Gravatars”- (it shows off the face pictures of our blog users).
CASE #1: You are logged in.
CASE #2: You are not logged in. —- a) You are not a registered user. b) You’-re a registered user but haven’-t logged in.
The comment will appear immediately if the commenter has one previously approved comment.
Read the previous blog posts by Chris F. Masse:
- Sikorsky X2 = coaxial main rotors + rear-facing tail rotor
- Linear Programming – Combined Value Trading – Parimutuel Call Market – Combinatorial Call Markets
- Cash Rewards for Innovations
- Let’s blog and dig about the Future.
- OSCARS 2008: The Hollywood Stock Exchange has been more accurate than InTrade.
- Right-click on the image below, open the link in another browser tab, and click on “OK”… to subscribe to InTrade’s iGoogle widget.