Ass-busting Gary Flake (nicknamed “-The Dark Vader Of The Internets”- since he joined MicroSoft from Yahoo!) has been showing off “-Pivot“-.
Tag Archives: The Internet
Steve Jobs tells you to run a HTML5 website -without Flash.
The future of the prediction markets is on the smartphones.
Why Is There Resistance to Enterprise 2.0?
Google Chrome – Video interview
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Cloud Computing in Plain English
Google CEO Eric Schmidt on why technology is a driving force in the economic recovery.
Open Internet Coalition -> Net Neutrality
Prove that you are a better Internet innovator than David Pennock, and get $5,000 in cash.
Via Him
Why Midas Oracle (and not TV news shows or print newspapers) will dominate the future.
Henry Blodget:
We still occasionally encounter people who argue that physical newspapers and TV news shows have a vital roll to play in the dissemination of news. These folks usually work for physical newspapers and TV networks, of course. […-]
Ha! ha! ha!
48% said their primary source of news is the Internet (up 20% from only a year ago).
86% of Americans regard web sites as an important source of news.
36% regard “-blogs”- as an important source of news.
87% of Americans think “-professional journalism”- will remain vitally important.
77% think “-citizen journalism”- will be important
59% think “-blogs”- will be important.
More at Zogby.
BetFair-TradeFair, Betdaq, TradeSports-InTrade, MatchBook, NewsFutures, HSX, et al., should begin to take prediction market blogs seriously.
Previous blog posts by Chris F. Masse:
- Red Herring’s list of the top 100 North-American high-tech startups includes Inkling Markets —but not NewsFutures, Consensus Point, or Xpree.
- Professor Koleman Strumpf explains the prediction markets to the countryland people.
- Professor Koleman Strumpf tells CNN that a prediction market, by essence, can’t predict an upset.
- Time magazine interview the 2 BetFair-Tradefair co-founders, and not a single time do they pronounce the magic words, “prediction markets”.
- One Deep Throat told me that this VC firm might have been connected with the Irish prediction exchange, at inception.
- BetFair Rapid = BetFair’s standalone, local, PC-based, order-entry software for prediction markets
- Michael Moore tells the Democratic people to go Barack Obama in Pennsylvania (a two-tier state), but the polls and the prediction markets tell us that that won’t do the trick.