I am dropping BetFair from the Midas Oracle coverage of the prediction markets -until they re-establish the direct links, from their 2 frontpages, to the prediction markets on politics, finance, and the other socially valuable issues.

No GravatarNo direct to the BetFair prediction markets on politics, finance, and else.

No direct links to the BetFair prediction markets on politics, finance, and else.

No direct links to the BetFair prediction markets on politics, finance, and else.

So, this is my last post on BetFair till they fix their 2 frontpages and put back the direct links to the prediction markets on politics, finance, and the other socially valuable issues.

APPENDIX: Here&#8217-s my July 2008 message to the CFTC where I said that TradeSports and BetFair are (&#8221-were&#8221-, in the case of BetFair, now) doing good, and sending some of the liquidity (which they acquire with sports) on the socially valuable prediction markets. See also what I said to BusinessWeek.

When the CFTC look at the 2 BetFair frontpages, they will now get to the conclusion that Chris Masse is an idiot, who was probably paid to talk up BetFair.

Thank you, BetFair.


I dropped BetFair from the Midas Oracle coverage of the prediction markets. They should re-establish the direct links, from their 2 frontpages, to the prediction markets on politics, finance, and the other socially valuable issues.

No GravatarNo direct to the BetFair prediction markets on politics, finance, and else.

No direct links to the BetFair prediction markets on politics, finance, and else.

No direct links to the BetFair prediction markets on politics, finance, and else.

So, I won&#8217-t blog anymore on BetFair (other than re-publishing up this post) till they fix their 2 frontpages and put back the direct links to the prediction markets on politics, finance, and the other socially valuable issues.

APPENDIX: Here&#8217-s my July 2008 message to the CFTC where I said that TradeSports and BetFair are (&#8221-were&#8221-, in the case of BetFair, now) doing good, and sending some of the liquidity (which they acquire with sports) on the socially valuable prediction markets. See also what I said to BusinessWeek.

When the CFTC look at the 2 BetFair frontpages, they will now get to the conclusion that Chris Masse is an idiot, who was probably paid to talk up BetFair.

Thank you, BetFair.


I did drop BetFair from the Midas Oracle coverage of the prediction markets. They should re-establish the direct links, from their 2 frontpages, to the prediction markets on politics, finance, and the other socially valuable issues.

No GravatarNo direct link to the BetFair prediction markets on politics, finance, and else.

No direct links to the BetFair prediction markets on politics, finance, and else.

No direct links to the BetFair prediction markets on politics, finance, and else.

So, I won&#8217-t blog anymore on BetFair (other than re-publishing up this post) till they fix their 2 frontpages and put back the direct links to the prediction markets on politics, finance, and the other socially valuable issues.

APPENDIX: Here&#8217-s my July 2008 message to the CFTC where I said that TradeSports and BetFair are (&#8221-were&#8221-, in the case of BetFair, now) doing good, and sending some of the liquidity (which they acquire with sports) on the socially valuable prediction markets. See also what I said to BusinessWeek.

When the CFTC look at the 2 BetFair frontpages, they will now get to the conclusion that Chris Masse is an idiot, who was probably paid to talk up BetFair.

Thank you, BetFair.


Chris Masses pragmatism

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  1. Supporting the development of big, for-profit, generalist prediction exchanges (which get most of their revenues from sports prediction markets)-
  2. Asking the biggest prediction exchanges to organize socially valuable prediction markets.

Don&#8217-t you rate me as a &#8220-pragmatist&#8221-, doc?

CFTC Oversight May Not be a Boon.

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I want to quibble with one of Dave Pennock&#8217-s comments on the CFTC request. Pennock wrote &#8220-It&#8217-s not often that an industry in its infancy cries out for more government oversight.&#8221-

It&#8217-s actually quite common. The term in the economics literature that includes this is regulatory capture. When there&#8217-s a regulatory body specific to a particular industry, it&#8217-s very common for industry to be the major source of expertise in the area, and so for the regulators to be reasonably friendly with the businesses. The businesses can work for regulation that limits entry, and cuts down on competition that reduces profits, and they can work together to ensure that public relations problems are addressed in a cohesive way. But cutting down on competition often means fewer choices for consumers by way of tighter controls on what products are offered.

In our case, the thing I worry about is a narrow ruling that only &#8220-socially valuable&#8221- questions can be asked, and an expensive process for deciding what innovative questions can be posed. It seems likely that some interests will work to ensure that sports and entertainment questions be declared off-limits. The companies that have the strongest interest in fighting that faction are mostly persona non grata in the CFTC&#8217-s eyes, since they currently operate outside the law (TradeSports) or outside the country (BetFair).

The narrower the set of approved questions, or the more expensive the process of getting approval, the less chance that markets will be commercially successful. I think the experiments within companies have indicated (though not proven) that a mix of valuable and popular claims is necessary in order to attract continuing participation.

My biggest worry about fighting for CFTC regulation at this point is that they&#8217-ll approve something narrow, and this won&#8217-t produce enough successes to demonstrate that loosening the restrictions over time would be beneficial. The alternative is to continue to find ways to introduce markets under the radar and demonstrate their value to the academic audience, which could lead to a friendlier hearing in a more distant future after prediction markets have demonstrated social value and little risk of harm.

Of course the other likely outcome is that the novel experiments don&#8217-t happen because of the threat of litigation or regulation. But that seems unlikely given the growth in internal markets within companies. I think there&#8217-s more likelihood of long-term success without regulation than with it, and we&#8217-re better off waiting until the chances that the regulations will provide a broad approval are significantly higher.

(Cross-posted from pancrit.org.)