Take a look at their ad:

Three remarks:
- They got carried away from the prediction market approach (which, unlike InTrade, they never understood fully, anyway).
- This gambling approach of the marketing of the prediction markets is very interesting in terms of potential revenue growth. I encourage InTrade, TradeSports, BetFair, NewsFutures and HubDub to adopt it.
- However, it remains to be seen whether TradeFair is the right venue for gambling. TradeFair was supposed to be a serious financial prediction exchange (the British equivalent of HedgeStreet), and it is now the online equivalent of Macao or Las Vegas. Hummm…- Will these 2 different worlds mix well together? Could La Callas sell pork sausages? Could Yehudi Menuhin sell used condoms?
- And I won’-t mention the issue of problem gambling, which I predict will be made worse thanks to TradeFair Hi &- Lo and BetFair Arcades.

Once the previous bet is resolved, you can start off anew with another 5-minute bet on the FTSE —-from the level that was the basis for the settlement of the previous bet.