Prediction market journalism should not be practiced by… the prediction market people… but by the vertical experts -with the help of the prediction market people.

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Last Wednesday, I published a post about the Obama-Clinton, with charts from the main prediction exchanges (InTrade, BetFair and NewsFutures). Today, I looked into the web stats reports. The post ranks #37 [*] in the list of the most popular pieces published since last Wednesday. In other words, it was an un-popular story. Nobody gives the first fig about Chris Masse writing on US politics.

Political prediction markets should be a tool used by trusted political experts reporting on the horse races and other issues. It&#8217-s in that perspective that I&#8217-m going to mind the future of Midas Oracle.

[*] Surprisingly, Koleman Strumpf&#8217-s story ranks #5. Not that I&#8217-m jealous. :-D

Previous blog posts by Chris F. Masse:

  • A second look at HedgeStreet’s comment to the CFTC about “event markets”
  • Since YooPick opened their door, Midas Oracle has been getting, daily, 2 or 3 dozens referrals from FaceBook.
  • US presidential hopeful John McCain hates the Midas Oracle bloggers.
  • If you have tried to contact Chris Masse thru the Midas Oracle Contact Form, I’m terribly sorry to inform you that your message was not delivered to the recipient.
  • “Over a ten-year period commencing on January 1, 2008, and ending on December 31, 2017, the S & P 500 will outperform a portfolio of funds of hedge funds, when performance is measured on a basis net of fees, costs and expenses.”
  • Meet professor Thomas W. Malone (on the right), from the MIT’s Center for Collective Intelligence.