We have seen two PageRank updates this month (October 2007), and the effect of the second wave is just taking effect this morning.
- BetFair from 7 to 6
- InTrade from 6 to 5
- TradeSports from 6 to 5
- IEM from 7 to 6
- SpreadFair from 5 to 4
- Betdaq is 5
- MatchBook is 3
- HSX from 7 to 6
- NewsFutures from 7 to 6
- Inkling is 6
- HedgeStreet is 6
- PopSci PPX is 7 – [!!???]
- The Sim Exchange is 5
- CFM and MO from 6 to 5 – – [*]
- Marginal Revolution from 7 to 6
- WashPost and Forbes from 7 to 5
PageRank scale: 0–-10
[*] As plenty of SEO experts have commented this week on web forums, this decrease in PageRank has been accompanied by an increase in traffic from Google Search visitors. Go figure.
See in this list if you need some PageRank checkers.
APPENDIX: The Sentence Of The Day…-
Ironically, in the ultimate democracy that is the Internet, Google reigns as virtual dictator.
UPDATE: An explanation that makes sense to me…-
Also another really interesting and also expected outcome was that due to the progressive expanding of the web, all page rank values require more and more links to be achieved. Now for pr 3 you need more than 2.5k link popularity, pr 4 more than 5 to 20k links and pr 6 >- 150k. Note that this is LINK POPULARITY not links only which is relatively the number of actual links since most search engines don’t show the real value.
UPDATE: A third update?
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Read the previous blog posts by Chris. F. Masse:
- Comments are now completely open on Midas Oracle.
- Albert Einstein, Chairman of the Midas Oracle Advisory Board
- Erratic –but not Stochastic– Charts
- Barack Obama is the 44th US president.
- We already have prediction markets in future tax rates. It’s called the municipal bond yield curve.
- O’Reilly – Money-Tech Conference