EPS Prediction Markets = Earnings Per Share Prediction Markets – Google

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The top 10 most active prediction markets at HedgeStreet:

Contracts – Time remaining – Underlaying Delayed Price – Bid – Ask – Last – Change
4PM $100 GBP/USD &gt- 2.0075 4h 13m 2.01370 95.00 100.00 95.00 29%
4PM $100 EUR/USD &gt- 1.3575 4h 13m 1.36240 95.00 100.00 89.00 34%
2:30PM $100 Crude Oil &gt- $70.00 2h 43m 69.67 28.50 35.50 29.50 -65%
2:30PM $100 Crude Oil &gt- $69.00 2h 43m 69.67 95.50 100.00 96.00 -1%
$100 Halliburton EPS &gt- $.56 18 days 0.56 76.50 96.50 81.50 -8%
4PM $100 USD/CHF &gt- 1.2150 4h 13m 1.21145 – 8.00 35.00 12%
2:30PM $100 Crude Oil &gt- $69.50 2h 43m 69.67 77.50 79.00 78.00 -16%
2:30PM $100 Crude Oil &gt- $71.00 2h 43m 69.67 – 5.00 6.00 -77%
1:30PM $100 Gold &gt- $657.50 1h 43m 659.6 87.00 91.00 81.50 234%
4PM $100 EUR/USD &gt- 1.3625 4h 13m 1.36240 52.00 66.00 18.50 64%

Technical Note: EPS = Earnings Per Share


HedgeStreet organizes many EPS prediction markets. Here&#8217-s the contract for the Google EPS event derivative excerpted from the HedgeStreet site:

Google EPS


Google®1 EPS Binary contracts allow traders to take a particular view on the &#8216-Earnings per Share&#8217- number (EPS) reported by Google, Inc. (&#8221-Google&#8221-) for a specific fiscal calendar quarter. At issue is the quarterly EPS number (defined as the net income per common share of stock, non-diluted basis) released by Google for the relevant fiscal quarter. A list of upcoming release dates can be found by visiting the Google website.


Google EPS &gt- $3.55 (18 Jul 07)
This Binary allows traders to take a position on whether the EPS number reported by Google will be greater than $3.55 on July 19, 2007.

&#8220-Google EPS&#8221- specifies that the underlying for this Binary is the quarterly EPS reported by Google (in US dollars).

Strike Price
&#8220-$3.55&#8243- specifies that payout for this Binary is based solely on quarterly EPS for Google reported on the settlement date is greater than $3.55.

Last Trading Day
&#8220-(18 Jul 07)&#8221- specifies that this Binary will last trade on July 18, 2007.

Buy if you think the quarterly EPS for Google reported in the company&#8217-s earnings release on July 19, 2007 will be greater than $3.55.

Sell if you think the quarterly EPS for Google reported in the company&#8217-s earnings release on July 19, 2007 will be less than or equal to $3.55.

Buyers make $100 if the quarterly EPS for Google reported in the company&#8217-s earnings release is greater than $3.55 on July 19, 2007.

Sellers make $100 if the quarterly EPS for Google reported in the company&#8217-s earnings release is less than or equal to $3.55 on July 19, 2007.


Binary Name Format

&#8220-Google EPS&#8221- specifies that the underlying for this Binary is the quarterly EPS reported by Google (in US dollars).

Strike Price

Specifies that the payout for this Binary is based solely on whether the quarterly EPS for Google reported in the company&#8217-s earning&#8217-s release on the settlement date is:

&#8220-&gt- $X&#8221- -greater than a specific level, $X.
&#8220-&lt- $X&#8221- -less than a specific level, $X.
&#8220-$X to $Y&#8221- -greater than or equal to $X and less than or equal to $Y (assuming $X &lt- $Y).
&#8220-= $X&#8221- -equal to a specific level, $X.

Last Trading Day
&#8220-(DD MON YY)&#8221- specifies that this Binary will last trade on a specific date, MON DD, YYYY.


Buy if you think the quarterly EPS for Google reported in the company&#8217-s earnings release on the specified settlement date will be greater than the strike price.

Sell if you think the quarterly EPS for Google reported in the company&#8217-s earnings release on the specified settlement date will be less than or equal to the strike price.

Buyers make $100 if the quarterly EPS for Google reported in the company&#8217-s earnings release is greater than the strike price on the settlement date.

Sellers make $100 if the quarterly EPS for Google reported in the company&#8217-s earnings release is less than or equal to the strike price on the settlement date.

Trading Conventions

Trading Hours
The regular trading hours for Google EPS Binaries is from 8:00 am (ET) to 4:00 pm (ET). The trading of the Google EPS contract is halted at 4:00 pm (ET) on the last trading date.

Regular Trading Days
Google EPS contracts cannot be traded on their settlement date. Otherwise, listed Google EPS contracts can usually be traded any day HedgeStreet is open (see the HedgeStreet Calendar).

Last Trading Day
Google EPS Binaries will stop trading as of the date listed in the Binary&#8217-s name and the &#8220-At a Glance&#8221- table (right). The usual last trading day for Google EPS Binaries is one business day prior to the date on which Google has scheduled to release its Quarterly EPS for the particular fiscal quarter.

Settlement Date
Google EPS Binaries will settle as of the date listed in the &#8220-At a Glance&#8221- table (right). The usual settlement date for Google EPS Binaries is the day of the scheduled Google earning&#8217-s release. HedgeStreet reserves the right to postpone this settlement date if the release of the expiration value is delayed.

Settlement Time
Google EPS Binaries will settle within an hour of 4:00 pm (ET) on the settlement date.

Expiration Value
The expiration value is the number used to determine the settlement value for this Binary. It is the level of the Quarterly EPS of Google, Inc. (&#8221-Google&#8221-) for a specific fiscal calendar quarter, measured in U.S. dollars, as reported by Google in an 8-K Report filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (&#8221-SEC&#8221-) or, if no such report is issued, as reported in its Quarterly 10-Q Report or Annual 10-K Report, as applicable, filed with the SEC.

For a detailed summary of the Source Agencies providing the expiration values for all Binaries, please refer to the Settlement Source table.

Settlement Value
The settlement value for Google EPS Binary contracts is either $0 or $100.

Speculative Position Limits
There are currently no Position Limits for Google EPS Binary contracts.

Halted Markets
In the event that any market irregularities are declared by HedgeStreet, trading in this Binary market may be halted. If it is determined by HedgeStreet that the market must be halted for any other reason, an explanation will be posted on HedgeStreet&#8217-s website within a reasonable amount of time but no later than 24 hours after the initiation of the halt.

Addition of New Binaries
To provide as extensive and relevant a market as possible, HedgeStreet may add new Binary offerings frequently and at its sole discretion. In some cases, new Binary offerings may affect the demand (and thus in some cases the liquidity and/or trading price) for existing, related Binaries. Traders should consider this dynamic aspect of HedgeStreet when making trading decisions.


You can use Google EPS Binaries to speculate.

Speculating involves taking a view on the outcome of an economic event with the hope of making a profit.

-Do you feel you have an insight into the future performance of Google?

-Would you like to speculate based on your belief about whether Google EPS will rise, fall, or remain the same?

Conventional investment markets don&#8217-t provide an opportunity for retail investors to speculate on a firm&#8217-s earnings announcements. Binaries let you invest the amount you choose on either increases or decreases in Google EPS.


What is Google?
Google, Inc. (&#8221-Google&#8221-) is an American public corporation, specializing in Internet searching and online advertising. The company&#8217-s products and services are Google.com that offers Google Base, Google Video and YouTube. In addition, the firm&#8217-s offering also include: Gmail, Blogger, Google Docs and Spreadsheets, Google GEO (offering earth and local maps), as well as a plethora of other products. Google was founded in 1998 and is headquartered in Mountain View, California.

What are Earnings per Share?

EPS is the portion of a company&#8217-s profit allocated to each outstanding share of common stock, serving as an indicator of a firm&#8217-s profitability. The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) requires companies&#8217- income statements to report EPS for each of the four major categories of the income statement: continuing operations, discontinued operations, extraordinary items, and net income. EPS for Net Income is calculated as:

(Net Income – Dividends on Preferred Stock)/Weighted Average of Common Shares

Why trade Google EPS?
Earnings results of a public company, including both Earnings per Share (EPS) and Revenue, provide insight into the financial health of such company and provide information on the strength of the industrial segment at large. Earnings results are not themselves securities, although they can influence security prices. There are other key measures of corporate progress, though, as well as other outside macro economic events that also influence the value of a given security. Google EPS Binaries allow traders to speculate on whether Google EPS will increase, decrease, or remain the same (as compared to previous quarter&#8217-s release or various analyst estimates).

What is the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)?
Since 1973, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has been the designated organization in the private sector for establishing standards of financial accounting and reporting (US GAAP). They are officially recognized as authoritative by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as the organization responsible for setting accounting standards for public companies in the U.S. The FASB&#8217-s mission is &#8220-to establish and improve standards of financial accounting and reporting for the guidance and education of the public, including issuers, auditors, and users of financial information.&#8221-

What is the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)?

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles refers to a set of accounting principles, standards and procedures that companies use to compile their financial statements set by the FASB. Every country has its own standard accounting practice version of GAAP with standards set by a national governing body. US GAAP is not written in law, although the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires that it be followed in financial reporting by publicly-traded companies.

What is the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)?
SEC is a U.S. government commission created by Congress to regulate the securities markets, protect investors and monitor corporate takeovers in the U.S. The SEC requires public companies to disclose meaningful financial and other information to the public. This provides a common pool of knowledge for all investors to use to judge for themselves whether to buy, sell, or hold a particular security. The SEC is composed of five commissioners appointed by the U.S. President and approved by the Senate. The SEC is designed to promote full public disclosure and to protect the investing public against fraudulent and manipulative practices in the securities markets.

Where can I find the most recent Google EPS release?
The Google EPS information is released each quarter and available on the Google or SEC website.

What is the Expiration Value?
The Expiration Value is the Quarterly EPS (net, non-diluted) of Google, Inc. (&#8221-Google&#8221-) for a specific fiscal calendar quarter, measured in U.S. dollars, as reported by Google in an 8-K Report filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (&#8221-SEC&#8221-) or, if no such report is issued, as reported in its Quarterly 10-Q Report or Annual 10-K Report as applicable, filed with the SEC.

Where can I find background information related to this instrument?
For general EPS background information, we recommend the following:

* Investopedia.com: EPS
* Bloomberg.com Earnings

**The data displayed herein represents certain types of contracts offered on HedgeStreet that have an underlying expiration value based on the quarterly Earnings per Share or Revenue of publicly traded companies listed on a national securities exchange. The data is being provided for informational purposes only and should not be the sole information relied upon in making investment decisions. HedgeStreet does not guarantee or make any representation as to the accuracy and completeness of the information provided.

1 Google® is a registered trade mark of Google, Inc. HedgeStreet, Inc. is not affiliated with Google, Inc. and neither Google, Inc., nor its affiliates, sponsor or endorse HedgeStreet, Inc. in any way.

Next: HEDGESTREET: Earnings Per Share Prediction Markets + Merger And Acquisition Prediction Markets

Previous blog posts by Chris F. Masse:

  • The CFTC is going to close the comments in 11 days. We have 11 days left to convince the CFTC to accept FOR-PROFIT prediction exchanges, and counter the evil petition organized by the American Enterprise Institute (which has on its payroll Paul Wolfowitz, the bright masterminder of the Iraq war).
  • The definitive proof that FOR-PROFIT prediction exchanges (like BetFair and InTrade) are the best organizers of socially valuable prediction markets (like those on global warming and climate change).
  • Fairness Doctrine prediction markets
  • 2 MILLION TRADES LATER: Inkling’s play-money prediction markets are accurate —too.
  • Web Forums on Prediction Markets
  • Jason Ruspini will answer SOME of these CFTC questions. — 12 days left, Jason.
  • QUIZZ OF THE DAY: Which blog is the most open minded?

Wikipedia now accounts for a staggering one out of every 200 page views on the entire Internet.

No GravatarNew York Times:

[&#8230-] Among the 4.6 million registered English-language users are about 1,200 administrators, whose “admin” status carries a few extra technical powers, most notably the power to block other users from the site, either temporarily or permanently. Those nominated for adminship must answer an initial series of five questions, after which other users have seven days to register their approval or disapproval. Above the admin level are the cheekily named “bureaucrats,” who are empowered to appoint the admins and will do so if they deem a user consensus has been reached (the magic number is somewhere around 70 percent approval). There is also a level above the bureaucrats, called stewards, of whom there are only about 30, appointed by the seven-person Wikimedia Foundation board of directors. [&#8230-]

But there is also something uniquely empowering — for better or for worse — about Wikipedia, in that there is no real organizational ladder to climb: since everyone contributes behind screen names (which may or may not match their real ones), questions of age, appearance, experience and so forth don’t color the discussion. The only way to achieve a degree of authority in the world of Wikipedia is to show sufficient devotion to it, and that can happen in relatively short order. [&#8230-]

The presentational difference is that Wikipedia’s version of events comes in the form of one constantly rewritten, constantly updated, summary article, rather than a chronological series of articles, each reflecting new developments, as newspapers and even most news sites do. But much more significant than that, no Wikipedia article contains any attempt at actual reporting — in fact, original research is forbidden. [&#8230-] &#8220-[] An encyclopedia is the condensation of received wisdom.&#8221- [&#8230-] On a big news day, Wikipedia functions like a massive, cooperative blog — except that where most blogs’ function is to sieve news accounts through the filter of strong opinion, Wikipedia’s goal is the opposite: it strives to filter all the opinion out of it. [&#8230-]

Great article on Wikipedia.

I have developed Midas Oracle .ORG as a group blog (&#8221-a chronological series of articles, each reflecting new developments&#8221-), and I&#8217-m going to develop Midas Oracle .NET as a wiki blog (a set of &#8220-constantly rewritten, constantly updated, summary&#8221- articles).

Previous blog posts by Chris F. Masse:

  • Red Herring’s list of the top 100 North-American high-tech startups includes Inkling Markets —but not NewsFutures, Consensus Point, or Xpree.
  • Professor Koleman Strumpf explains the prediction markets to the countryland people.
  • Professor Koleman Strumpf tells CNN that a prediction market, by essence, can’t predict an upset.
  • Time magazine interview the 2 BetFair-Tradefair co-founders, and not a single time do they pronounce the magic words, “prediction markets”.
  • One Deep Throat told me that this VC firm might have been connected with the Irish prediction exchange, at inception.
  • BetFair Rapid = BetFair’s standalone, local, PC-based, order-entry software for prediction markets
  • Michael Moore tells the Democratic people to go Barack Obama in Pennsylvania (a two-tier state), but the polls and the prediction markets tell us that that won’t do the trick.

Short on Pablo Picasso, Long on Vincent Van Gogh??

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The Art Trading Fund is the first regulated fine art hedge fund.

We are an art trading hedge fund focused on 3 to 12 month returns. The Fund buys and sells art via its global network of dealers, renowned artists, auction houses and galleries. Returns are maximised through geographical price arbitrage and by removing market inefficiencies. The Fund sources art from a bank of vendors and sells through the network’s pool of highly liquid buyers. Using an objective investment process the Fund essentially monetises the substantial margins of a gallery and art dealing business – without the high fixed cost base of either – and passes that ‘alpha’ on to the end investor. The investment managers add additional value through asset allocation and via a synthetic hedge that provides downside protection.

Hey&#8230- speaking of art&#8230- anyone for art business prediction markets??

UPDATE: Rod&#8230-

About a month ago, The Economist wrote an article about this fund: Painting by numbers. In my opinion, the most interesting aspect about investing in art is that nobody really knows what a given work of art is worth. Unlike commodities such as platinum, gold or silver, works or art are highly differentiated assets, and therefore it’s hard to put a price tag on them. Ultimately, the (market) value of a painting or a sculpture is whatever the highest bidder is willing to pay for it.

Whether the hedge fund invests in startups, movies or art pieces, the basic idea is that the profits on the winners should tower the bath they take on the losers.

Previous blog posts by Chris F. Masse:

  • The CFTC is going to close the comments in 15 days. We have 15 days left to convince the CFTC to accept FOR-PROFIT prediction exchanges, and counter the evil petition organized by the American Enterprise Institute (which has on its payroll Paul Wolfowitz, the bright masterminder of the Iraq war).
  • The CFTC is going to close the comments in 16 days. We have 16 days left to convince the CFTC to accept FOR-PROFIT prediction exchanges, and counter the evil petition organized by the American Enterprise Institute (which has on its payroll Paul Wolfowitz, the bright masterminder of the Iraq war).
  • Brand-new scientific report certifies that starting off the Large Hadron Collider is NOT going to destroy the Earth. Glad to hear that. It means that any bets entertained on the LHC issue will be able to be resolved and winnings to be collected in the end.
  • Small Business = GOOD — Big Business = BAD
  • The letter David Pennock will never send out —well, we hope.
  • Monitor the web traffic of TradeSports.com, InTrade.com, BetFair.com, Betdaq.com, NewsFutures.com, HubDub.com, etc. —thanks to Google Trends.
  • Here’s the way to promote innovation for entry-order and analysis software packages —separate the 2 functions.

Australian economist Justin Wolfers in utter disbelief, upon hearing about the demise of ECONOMIC DERIVATIVES.

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A dog in utter disbelief

Previous: ECONOMIC DERIVATIVES is dead. + Justin Wolfers on Economic Derivatives

Previous blog posts by Chris F. Masse:

  • IIF’s SIG on Prediction Markets
  • Science
  • Why did prediction markets do well in the pre-polling era, professor Strumpf?
  • Mozilla FireFox users, do you have trouble downloading academic papers (as PDF files) from SSRN?
  • “Impact Matrix. Used to collect and gauge the likelihood and business impact of various events in the very long term.”
  • Ends and Means of Prediction Markets — Tom W. Bell Edition
  • How to run enterprise prediction markets… legally

Veteran Republican Vic Gold describes VP Dick Cheney as a MEGA-MANIACAL PARANOID whose secret empire within the government has captured the George W. Bush presidency and helped bring the Republican Party to the brink of ruin.

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Eleanor Clift: A longtime confidant of the Bush and Cheney families describes the dangerous influence of the vice president.

Vic Gold&#8217-s book: Invasion of the Party Snatchers: How the Holy-Rollers and the Neo-Cons Destroyed the GOP

Washington Post&#8217-s dossier on VP Dick Cheney

Part 1: Working in the Background
A master of bureaucracy and detail, Cheney exerts most of his influence out of public view.
Part 2: Wars and Interrogations
Convinced that the &#8220-war on terror&#8221- required &#8220-robust interrogations&#8221- of captured suspects, Dick Cheney pressed the Bush administration to carve out exceptions to the Geneva Conventions.
Sidebar: Cheney on Presidential Power
Part 3: Dominating Budget Decisions
Working behind the scenes, Dick Cheney has made himself the dominant voice on tax and spending policy, outmaneuvering rivals for the president&#8217-s ear.
Sidebar: Expanding Authority for No. 2 Spot
Sidebar: Taking on the Supreme Court Case
Part 4: Environmental Policy
Dick Cheney steered some of the Bush administration&#8217-s most important environmental decisions &#8212- easing air pollution controls, opening public parks to snowmobiles and diverting river water from threatened salmon.
Sidebar: Maintaining Connections

Vice President Cheney, standing behind the president&#8217-s desk during a July 2003 meeting, circumvented Secretary of State Colin L. Powell in 2001 on the military commissions order:

Dick Cheney

Credit: Washington Post


JFK got killed, but Dick Cheney gets to live.



Dick Cheney Resignation

Price for Dick Cheney Resignation at intrade.com

Dick Cheney will resign as VP before his 2nd term is up.

© NewsFutures


Static charts (for the blog archives, since the dynamic ones above will disappear after their expiry):

Dick Cheney Resignation

InTrade Dick Cheney June 2007

Dick Cheney will resign as VP before his 2nd term is up.

Dick Cheney NewsFutures June 2007

Previous blog posts by Chris F. Masse:

  • IIF’s SIG on Prediction Markets
  • Science
  • Why did prediction markets do well in the pre-polling era, professor Strumpf?
  • Mozilla FireFox users, do you have trouble downloading academic papers (as PDF files) from SSRN?
  • “Impact Matrix. Used to collect and gauge the likelihood and business impact of various events in the very long term.”
  • Ends and Means of Prediction Markets — Tom W. Bell Edition
  • How to run enterprise prediction markets… legally

TradeSports Cost of Service Charts

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This is a comparison of the new TS fees versus the old fees. It&#8217-s meant to
give a rough idea of where the cost has gone up or down. For simplicity, it
assumes buy-and-hold in all cases, and ignores the unfortunately killed
no-fees-pre-game deal. Still, rough as this is, it should give a sense of
how you&#8217-ll be affected given your trading style, and it may give you ideas
of how to change your style to take advantage.

I hope this was helpful to some of you.
Good luck, trade smart and maximize your advantage!


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Mike Linksvayer, a Macintosh hater, will strongly disapprove, I&#8217-m sure. :)

Apple’s penetration of the geek market over the last five years or so has bugged me … for that long.

And here&#8217-s what Mike Linksvayer, answered to Tyler Cowen&#8217-s question, &#8220-What is your most absurd view?”&#8221-:

Nearly every user interface and product from Apple has been aesthetically and functionally ugly, from the orginal MacOS to iTunes. I don’t think I can blame Steve Jobs, as NextStep was wonderful. (Yes, I know OS X is derived from NextStep. They ruined it.)

AUSTRALIA RULES: Evan Kaldor to redefine the meaning of entrepreneurship + BetFair Australia in Tasmania set to conquer Asia + Justin Wolfers near the top of the field of prediction markets + Rupert Murdoch driving the bus in the US media land

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Previous blog posts by Chris F. Masse:

  • 48 hours after the launch of the “Prediction Markets” group at LinkedIn, we have already 52 members —both prediction market luminaries and simple people (trading the event derivatives or collecting the market-generated probabilities).
  • The John Edwards Non-Affair gives us an opportunity to look deep into the caldron of the wisdom of crowds.
  • We Plug This British Betting Blog On Midas Oracle Because We Like Its Name.
  • 24 hours after the launch of the “Prediction Markets” group at LinkedIn, we have already 39 members —both prediction market luminaries and simple people (trading the event derivatives or collecting the market-generated probabilities).
  • That was ubber world star Barack Obama in Berlin, during his July 2008 speech at the Victory Column. Spot all the digital cameras pointing to the socialist Messiah. Snatching something to bring at home — “see, I was there”.
  • If you want your affiliation with the “Prediction Markets” group to appear on your LinkedIn profile, then click on “Edit Public Profile Settings”, and check the “Groups” option.
  • If you want to connect with InTrade CEO John Delaney on LinkedIn…

Blogs are taking over the other Web-based publications.

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Tech Crunch&#8217-s Mike Arrington (who is furious at a CNET writer):

Most of the popular blogs, all of which started out as one-person shops, have now hired separate sales staff to handle sales. We have, Om has, etc. Hell, that’s the main reason we are working with FM Publishing, so that we don’t have to talk to advertisers directly. They turned out to be the wrong choice – throwing us under a bus as soon as the found it convenient, but it doesn’t change our position on the matter. We’re a small operation, we work 24 hours a day to break stories and write interesting content, and we’re trying to earn enough money to keep these things growing. Something Cooper would never understand. [CNET’s Charles Cooper is] a paid journalist who has the luxury of sitting back and opining on others, even when he has no idea what he’s talking about. It’s what too many mainstream media journalists do – write about things they don’t know and don’t care about. And that’s why blogs are stealing their page views at an alarming rate. Based on my estimates, the average A-List blogger generates 10x the page views that the average journalist does. Why? Because we’re running our own businesses, because we support each other with linking, and because we care, deeply, about what we are writing about.

Mike Arrington says, in another paragraph, that he doesn&#8217-t care about being linked to by CNET News (a news website devoted to the business of the information technology) because it generates small traffic compared to what some IT bloggers (like Om) can deliver. Entirely true. Midas Oracle was linked to by CNET News in May 2007, and we received a fistful of visitors only, compared to thousands of people coming from the economics blog Marginal Revolution.

NEXT: Google Search, the New York Times, and the blogs