Google Web Search shows that I am the only blogger in the world to talk about prediction market journalism.

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Good thing: I&#8217-m a pioneer (following Justin Wolfers&#8217- footsteps).

Bad thing: The whole world does not give the first fig about &#8220-prediction market journalism&#8220-. We will spend much energy introducing them to this new concept.

Previous blog posts by Chris F. Masse:

  • BetFair angel investor Sean Park says that Jed Christiansen’s anti-sport comment to the CFTC stinks like rotten dead fish under the Egyptian sun.
  • Did ex-HSX Max Keiser cowardly give up on his prediction market TV journalism project? His website,, now redirects to a clunky YouTube video webpage.
  • Big Brother
  • Enterprise prediction markets in Israel
  • 2 interesting links — Monday Morning Edition
  • Track Record Collecting vs. Prediction Markets
  • Why don’t prediction market people submit conference proposals for SXSW 2009?

Google now considers Midas Oracle as a major blog.

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The Google PageRank of Midas Oracle is now: 6 / 10.

Midas Oracle is the only prediction market blog to reach that high mark.

Previous blog posts by Chris F. Masse:

  • Google Web Search shows that I am the only blogger in the world to talk about “prediction market journalism”.
  • Marginal Revolution vs. Freakonomics vs. Overcoming Bias vs. Midas Oracle
  • InTrade’s US Recession 2008
  • What Jean-Claude Kommer (a patented prediction market gadfly) thinks of Robin Hanson’s conditional prediction markets subsidized by Peter McCluskey
  • “Our prediction markets have not had a very respectable accuracy on anything related to our main competitor.”
  • Subsidizing real-money prediction markets and real-money conditional prediction markets = BULLSHIT IDEA
  • Don’t you love Google Analytics? I can track what Bloomberg spied on, here, yesterday. (Big media spy on us on a daily basis, web stats show.)

Posting On Midas Oracle versus Presenting At The Third WorkShop

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MIDAS ORACLE: 1,600 daily readers (600 visitors on the Web + 1,000 feed subscribers)

THIRD WORKSHOP: 40 people in the room. – [Psstt… All the links to the presented papers… here.]

Ratio: 40 to 1.

There are 40 times more people on Midas Oracle than in that Chicago conference room.

TAKEAWAY: If your goal as a researcher is truly to get your ideas out, then come blogging with us on Midas Oracle.

A good resume, in the field of prediction markets, should mention and link to Midas Oracle, of course. You, too, could be part of the gang. Join us today.

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Last year, nobody would give the first fig about a &#8220-Michael Giberson&#8221-. He was insignificant. Now, with the orbital price of oil, Mike becomes hot, all of the sudden. I hope he&#8217-ll mind some energy prediction markets, one day, when he has time.

How to join Midas Oracle and how to blog with us here&#8230-

How to connect with Midas Oracle on LinkedIn&#8230-

If you have tried to contact Chris Masse thru the Midas Oracle Contact Form, Im terribly sorry to inform you that your message was not delivered to the recipient.

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Folks, I have received 3 messages thru that Midas Oracle Contact Form, lately. They were all empty, so I thought they were spams killed by the Contact Form. But, in fact, the Contact Form was not working properly. (I got rid of it.)

If you have something important to tell me (since I&#8217-m such an important person myself :-D ), please re-send it my way using e-mail.

Contact Chris Masse

You can contact Chris F. Masse (the editor and publisher of Midas Oracle) via:

  • cfm |-at-| midasoracle |.|-com-|
  • chrisfmasse |-at-| gmail |.|-com-| &#8212- GMail Chat, Google Talk, and Shared Items in Google Reader
  • chrisfmasse |-at-| yahoo |.|-com-|

Contact Less &#8220-Important&#8221- Members Of Midas Oracle :-D

Michael Giberson: | michael.giberson |-at-| gmail |.|-com-|

Jason Ruspini: | jruspini |-at-| yahoo |.|-com-|

Tom W. Bell: | tbell |-at-| chapman |.|-edu-|


Unlike other countries, the United States of America defends the freedom to offend in speech.

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Hate Speech = Free Speech

Very interesting New York Times discussion about the First Amendment &#8212-with international comparisons.

At Midas Oracle, some do vigorously exercise the freedom to piss people off. :-D

Previous blog posts by Chris F. Masse:

  • Psstt… Spot that comment, on Google News, about… “bellwethers”… from a political scientist.
  • INSIDER’s STORY: The insightful strategic business report about The Evil Empire that Henry Berg does not want you to see
  • Prediction markets are about lowering transaction costs. That’s how sports come in.
  • The birth certificate of the next president of the United States of America –maybe
  • The marketing association between BetFair and TOTE Tasmania works better than expected.
  • The term “event markets” sucks —and the uncritical thinkers using this crappy term suck too.
  • CLIMBING HIS WAY TO THE TOP: Erik Snowberg is now Assistant Professor of Economics and Political Science at California Institute of Technology.

If you want to check the brand-new Midas Oracle comments every 10 minutes, dont use a Web-based feed reader like Google Reader, do use (for this purpose) a PC-based feed reader (like Sage on FireFox).

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Google Reader fetches our comment feed once an hour or so. Too long for some.

Scan this feed explainer, I have listed the PC-based feed readers. You can then decide exactly when to fetch our comment feed &#8212-every 10 minutes, every 20 minutes, etc.

As for me, the blog administrator, I read comments and reply to them &#8212-from within the WordPress system, on the &#8220-comments&#8221- page.

I&#8217-ll log in as a simple subscriber, soon, and see whether one simple registered Midas Oracle reader could, from there, reply to other people&#8217-s comments. That would solve some of the problems of the guy linked to, above.

Justin Wolfers should have his own Wikipedia entry.

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Any Wikipedian out there willing to start off his page?

Robin Hanson, Tyler Cowen, Steve Levitt, and even Don Luskin and Robert Scoble, have their own Wikipedia entry. Why not Wolfers???&#8230- I realized that when I updated my &#8220-acknowledgments&#8221- page:


Friedrich August Von Hayek (an economist who introduced, among other things, the concept of the market as an information aggregation tool in The Use of Knowledge in Society, and the 1974 co-winner of the Nobel Prize in economics)-

– Professor Vernon Smith (an experimental economics pioneer, and, as such, the 2002 co-winner of the Nobel Prize in economics)-

– Professor Robin Hanson (one of the contemporary co-inventors of the prediction markets)-

– Doctor James Surowiecki (author of The Wisdom Of Crowds)-

– Professors Justin Wolfers and Eric Zitzewitz (meta analysts of the prediction markets)-

– Professor Steve Levitt (co-author of Freakonomics)-

– Professor Tyler Cowen (co-author of Marginal Revolution and author of Discover Your Inner Economist)-

Donald Luskin (author of The Conspiracy To Keep You Poor And Stupid)-

– The GNU, Linux, WordPress, World Wide Web Consortium, Mozilla, Opera, Yahoo!, Google, Wikipedia, Creative Commons and Free Software Foundation people (among others) for freeing our information-based society.

More Thanks

  • The Midas Oracle Blog Authors
  • Credits

Google Search thinks that Midas Oracle has more value than the New York Times and Freakonomics when the topic is Googles enterprise prediction markets. How do you like that, Bo? Its cool, no?

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Previous blog posts by Chris F. Masse:

  • Excellent article about enterprise prediction markets and Inkling Markets —with a good word for Robin Hanson, who invented MSR.
  • HubDub limitations
  • BetFair Developer Program use Joomla! as their blog software (and CMS).
  • Lawsuit aiming at compelling the office of the United States trade representative to produce a copy of its compensation settlement with the European Union over the United States’ withdrawal of gambling services from the General Agreement on Trade in Services.
  • Iraq War = “not necessary”, “a serious strategic blunder” — US News Media = “complicit enablers” in the manipulation of the public (“the propaganda campaign”) — George W. Bush turned away “from candor and honesty when those qualities were most needed.”
  • JASON RUSPINI’S CROCKERY: The Brain states forcefully that they are not “event futures”, but “binary options”. Still, as soon as he premieres prediction markets on tax rates at InTrade, he calls them “tax futures” —of course.
  • Tasmania’s Prime Minister who licenced BetFair Australia departs “abruptly”.