Download this post if your feed reader does not show you the video.
PS: Give me the name of the idiot who booted Mark Davies out of BetFair.
Download this post if your feed reader does not show you the video.
PS: Give me the name of the idiot who booted Mark Davies out of BetFair.
BetFair stated to me that, “-Residents of Monaco are allow to use Betfair and all the accounts from Monaco are still opened.”- Monaco people using a French ISP might run into temporary problems, though.
So, it seems that the few Monaco people reporting problems to me are in the minority, and there is no BetFair policy blocking Monaco bettors. Good to hear.
As you all know, BetFair have closed all accounts from France residents.
Strangely, they also closed accounts from people living in the Principality of Monaco (an independent country that is recognized by the United Nations). Bizarre. If you have insider info, send them in to moi. Thanks.
UPDATE: BetFair stated to me that, “-Residents of Monaco are allow to use Betfair and all the accounts from Monaco are still opened.”- Monaco people using a French ISP might run into temporary problems, though.
So, it seems that the few Monaco people reporting problems to me are in the minority, and there is no BetFair policy blocking Monaco bettors. Good to hear.
Critical documentary in French:
LES DESSOUS DE LA LOI,Les yeux dans les jeux
envoyé- par publicsenat. –- Regardez les derniè-res vidé-os d'-actu.
Loi sur les jeux en ligne, enquete
envoye par asi. –- Regardez les dernieres videos d’-actu.
Part 4 is about prediction markets and InTrade.
Part 4 is about InTrade’-s prediction markets: