You could turnA Bernardo Huberman‘-s study around and say that the HSX traders are not yet using Twitter as a source to the full extent possible.
Tag Archives: HSX
The Motion Picture Association Of America (MPAA) comes out as fiercely against movie business futures.
Cantor Exchange in the New York Times
Richard Jaycobs uses the adjective “-tremendous”-. But here’-s what the journalo says:
But buyers beware: if “Avatar” is any indication, the public isn’t always so wise about Hollywood fortunes. Most users of predicted a flop, and if those users had placed real money on the Cantor exchange, they would have taken a serious hit.
In light of the upcoming bursting of the Cantor Exchange, Max Keiser have regrets about creating the Hollywood Stock Exchange.
Joe Weisenthal drinks the Kool-Aide
The CFTC really should be called to account for launching something like this – while the fire is still burning on the various CFTC approved products/contracts responsible for the last two years of economy collapse…
But here’s what I think. Since every media outlet in the world is going to cover this – and everybody who has every ‘dreamed of hollywood’ will be instantly addicted to all news coming out of this . . . the crisis of the last two years will be – like – forgotten (unless you happen to have become homeless or lost your job or house or something).
This is going to be a spectacular bubble and burst and I almost feel bad for having invented it.
Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps. -> September 24, 2010
Wall Street 2 @ HSX –-> Quite high flying.
The first trailer is hilarious:
About Wall Street 2:
Wall Street 1:
Frank Sinatra, “-Fly Me To The Moon”-:
HSX-founder Max Keiser on the Cantor Exchange – [VIDEO]
Jason Ruspini tells me that CNBC reports that the CFTC “-lifted its stay”- on the Cantor Exchange application yesterday. CNBC is going to interview Rich Jaycobs, today.
PS: You can play for free at:
Cantor Exchange expects to receive final regulatory approval by Tuesday, April 20, 2010…
InTrade has a higher PageRank than BetFair. No change.
Google has just updated its external PageRank servers. (The PageRank is updated internally in a continuous way, but Google updates its external servers once a quarter or so.)
– InTrade is 7/10. BetFair 6/10. HSX 6/10. HubDub 6/10.
– BetFair’-s blog (Betting @ BetFair) is 5/10, proving, once again, that it is a mediocre publication run by mediocre people. BetFair’-s second blog (BetFair Predicts) is 4/10. Midas Oracle is 6/10.
– For the record, the goal to attain (for both exchanges and publications) is 7/10.
Prediction market pioneer and Wall Street outcast Max Keiser is frequently searched on Google since the start of the 2008 financial burst.
At inception, I created an Internet usability category, and, since, I have published many Jakob Nielsen stories. Many wondered why I would bother. Now, the Midas Oracle readers can understand why.
These traders are talking down the newly redesigned Hollywood Stock Exchange website.
[They guy above has misspelled, two times. He meant: “unusable“.]
Previously: #1 – #2 – #3 – #4
UPDATE: Traders talk on Twitter about HSX.
Thanks to the HubDub guy for the tip.