On the ground of insider trading.
Keywords: CFTC &- Cantor Exchange.
Richard Jaycobs uses the adjective “-tremendous”-. But here’-s what the journalo says:
But buyers beware: if “Avatar” is any indication, the public isn’t always so wise about Hollywood fortunes. Most users of HSX.com predicted a flop, and if those users had placed real money on the Cantor exchange, they would have taken a serious hit.
Joe Weisenthal drinks the Kool-Aide
The CFTC really should be called to account for launching something like this – while the fire is still burning on the various CFTC approved products/contracts responsible for the last two years of economy collapse…
But here’s what I think. Since every media outlet in the world is going to cover this – and everybody who has every ‘dreamed of hollywood’ will be instantly addicted to all news coming out of this . . . the crisis of the last two years will be – like – forgotten (unless you happen to have become homeless or lost your job or house or something).
This is going to be a spectacular bubble and burst and I almost feel bad for having invented it.
Wall Street 2 @ HSX –-> Quite high flying.
The first trailer is hilarious:
About Wall Street 2:
Wall Street 1:
Frank Sinatra, “-Fly Me To The Moon”-:
Jason Ruspini tells me that CNBC reports that the CFTC “-lifted its stay”- on the Cantor Exchange application yesterday. CNBC is going to interview Rich Jaycobs, today.
PS: You can play for free at:
Google has just updated its external PageRank servers. (The PageRank is updated internally in a continuous way, but Google updates its external servers once a quarter or so.)
– InTrade is 7/10. BetFair 6/10. HSX 6/10. HubDub 6/10.
– BetFair’-s blog (Betting @ BetFair) is 5/10, proving, once again, that it is a mediocre publication run by mediocre people. BetFair’-s second blog (BetFair Predicts) is 4/10. Midas Oracle is 6/10.
– For the record, the goal to attain (for both exchanges and publications) is 7/10.
Addendum: Max Keiser’-s blog
[…] What I think PirateMyFilm will bring to the copyright reform party is the idea that films and music can be collectively financed, i.e., crowd financed, with both the artistic creator and the art consumer participating in the revenue streams.
To me, economics, markets and finance are an artistic medium in their own right and, as such, can be modeled, molded, manufactured and modified in artistic ways reflecting self expression as easily as paint, words, clay or plastic.
All of the projects I’ve been involved with for the past 15 years: [Hollywood Stock Exchange], KarmaBanque, GulagWealthFund, PirateMyFilm and my yet-to-be-publish novel, “Buy Love, Sell Fear,” all share this common characteristic of seeing price discovery and market making as a form of self expression and artistic freedom.
…- and so the IEM honcho condemns the Cantor Exchange.
I disagree.