Prediction Market Video – [VIDEO]
I have just installed the PuSHPress plugin, and this post is a test to see whether it works. If yes, this post should be indexed quickly by Google Reader (and other feed readers).
Filed in “-Real-Time Web“-.
UPDATE: I am so impressed, I could lay an egg. A brand-new post appears in Google Reader within seconds. I can’-t believe it.
UPDATE 2: Any small editing is immediately fetched by Google Reader (provided it is done on the last 10 posts). Amazing.
Code name: Google Caffeine
Warming: Works only 50% of the time. (The other 50%, the results come from the current Google Search.)
According to Google Search:
I suppose that their server got infected by a computer virus. They should disinfect it —-and make a better use of Google Webmaster Central Tool, which warns early on about malware problems.
According to Jason Calcanis…- [click here for the debunking of this idea].