And that includes Jason Ruspini.
– Keep in mind that, at inception, Apple also underestimated the iPad numbers. They had to ramp up production, later on.
– See Paul Hewitt’-s comment, below.
And that includes Jason Ruspini.
– Keep in mind that, at inception, Apple also underestimated the iPad numbers. They had to ramp up production, later on.
– See Paul Hewitt’-s comment, below.
Web 2.0 Summit 2010: Vinod Khosla, “-Innovation vs. Punditry”-
Extrapolating the Past vs Inventing the Future:
A predictalot user asked:
What’-s the difference between predict a lot y Bolsa de predicciones? they have the same things or at least very similar. ?Are you the same? They have predictions, groups, events etc. the only difference is the language- BP is in spanish.
This is my answer.
The main difference is that on bolsadepredicciones (and other prediction markets like crowdcast, inklingmarkets, intrade, newsfutures, hubdub RIP, and —- a new site with a nice/fresh look and good social hooks) every prediction is independent (separate) and there are at most a few thousand.
In predictalot, all predictions are interrelated (predicting Spain to win automatically increases Spain’-s odds of reaching the knockout round) and there are millions and millions of predictions possible, far more than other sites.
We also think our interface is easier to use than others, but you be the judge.
Predictions are flowing in about every three minutes. Here are some from the last half hour:
Chile will finish second in their group. Current odds: 33.50%.
Spain will finish first in their group. Current odds: 52.48%.
Spain will play Portugal in the knockout stage. Current odds: 48.77%.
Roger joined the group ‘-inetco’-
Spain will advance further than Greece. Current odds: 76.93%.
Spain will not advance to the Knockout Stage. Current odds: 23.13%.
Spain will advance to the Knockout Stage. Current odds: 77.86%.
Both United States and Uruguay will advance to Quaterfinals. Current odds: 60.04%.
Finally, here are instructions for playing predictalot on your iPad:
Don’-t be fooled by any “-research scientist”-.
Business Insider cites various InTrade probabilities.
Singapore is the safest.
2:15 into
Download this post to watch the video —-if your feed reader does not show it to you.
– Michael Anissimov: Kurzweil’s Failed 2009 Predictions
– More at the Next Big Future —- (an excellent blog)