Nobel laureate Gary Becker and judge Richard Posner both wish that, one day, real-money prediction markets will be legal, without restrictions, in the United States of America.

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Via David Pennock of Odd Head fame

Gary Becker:

[…] I believe that online political prediction markets, and other online prediction markets as well, should be legal in the United States and elsewhere, even if the amounts bet were quite large. There is no important substantive difference between such online betting markets and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and other exchanges that allow individuals and organizations to take positions on movements of stock indexes, housing price indexes, and prices of other derivatives. A distinction is sometimes made between political betting markets and derivative markets since participants in derivative markets may be hedging other risks that they face. Yet this distinction has little substance since if larger bets were allowed in online political markets, groups whose welfare depended greatly on political outcomes would make greater use of these markets. For example, if a Republican presidential win would mean greater spending on military weapons, companies in the arms business might hedge their risks by betting on Barack Obama.

If large bets were allowed, some wealthy groups may bet a lot on their candidates in order to exert bandwagon influences on public opinion through their large bets affecting market odds. If so, these markets likely would become less reliable as predictors of outcomes, and hence would have less influence on opinions. To a large extent, therefore, these markets would be self correcting, although online political markets might place various other restrictions on bets, as is common in derivative and other exchanges.

Richard Posner:

[…] There is an interesting question whether prediction markets should be thought of as &#8220-gambling” and perhaps prohibited. As a matter of policy, that would be a mistake, even if one thinks that gambling should be prohibited. The prediction markets are markets for speculation, rather than for game-playing or risk-taking. Slot machines, card-playing, roulette wheels, and other conventional forms of gambling do not generate socially valuable information. Speculation does. Commercial speculation serves to hedge commercial risks and bring prices into closer phase with value. Political, cultural, etc. prediction markets also yield socially valuable information. The outcome of elections is important to companies and even individuals for whom particular public policies are important- they may wish to make adjustments to avert or exploit looming political change. Politicians too need to have as sharp a sense as possible about the effects on the electorate of their and their opponents&#8217- strategies. Apparently they can get more accurate information from the prediction markets than from the public opinion pollsters.

Since 2002, when research was formally separated from investment banking, the quality of research on Wall Street has deteriorated, and many top analysts have left the business.

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– Banks are no longer allowed to pay their analysts from any revenue derived from investment banking, only from trading operations.

– An investment banker can’t call a research analyst at the same firm without a lawyer chaperoning the conversation.

New York Times

Good parallel is drawn, in the article, with journalism.

I am dropping BetFair from the Midas Oracle coverage of the prediction markets -until they re-establish the direct links, from their 2 frontpages, to the prediction markets on politics, finance, and the other socially valuable issues.

No GravatarNo direct to the BetFair prediction markets on politics, finance, and else.

No direct links to the BetFair prediction markets on politics, finance, and else.

No direct links to the BetFair prediction markets on politics, finance, and else.

So, this is my last post on BetFair till they fix their 2 frontpages and put back the direct links to the prediction markets on politics, finance, and the other socially valuable issues.

APPENDIX: Here&#8217-s my July 2008 message to the CFTC where I said that TradeSports and BetFair are (&#8221-were&#8221-, in the case of BetFair, now) doing good, and sending some of the liquidity (which they acquire with sports) on the socially valuable prediction markets. See also what I said to BusinessWeek.

When the CFTC look at the 2 BetFair frontpages, they will now get to the conclusion that Chris Masse is an idiot, who was probably paid to talk up BetFair.

Thank you, BetFair.


I dropped BetFair from the Midas Oracle coverage of the prediction markets. They should re-establish the direct links, from their 2 frontpages, to the prediction markets on politics, finance, and the other socially valuable issues.

No GravatarNo direct to the BetFair prediction markets on politics, finance, and else.

No direct links to the BetFair prediction markets on politics, finance, and else.

No direct links to the BetFair prediction markets on politics, finance, and else.

So, I won&#8217-t blog anymore on BetFair (other than re-publishing up this post) till they fix their 2 frontpages and put back the direct links to the prediction markets on politics, finance, and the other socially valuable issues.

APPENDIX: Here&#8217-s my July 2008 message to the CFTC where I said that TradeSports and BetFair are (&#8221-were&#8221-, in the case of BetFair, now) doing good, and sending some of the liquidity (which they acquire with sports) on the socially valuable prediction markets. See also what I said to BusinessWeek.

When the CFTC look at the 2 BetFair frontpages, they will now get to the conclusion that Chris Masse is an idiot, who was probably paid to talk up BetFair.

Thank you, BetFair.


I did drop BetFair from the Midas Oracle coverage of the prediction markets. They should re-establish the direct links, from their 2 frontpages, to the prediction markets on politics, finance, and the other socially valuable issues.

No GravatarNo direct link to the BetFair prediction markets on politics, finance, and else.

No direct links to the BetFair prediction markets on politics, finance, and else.

No direct links to the BetFair prediction markets on politics, finance, and else.

So, I won&#8217-t blog anymore on BetFair (other than re-publishing up this post) till they fix their 2 frontpages and put back the direct links to the prediction markets on politics, finance, and the other socially valuable issues.

APPENDIX: Here&#8217-s my July 2008 message to the CFTC where I said that TradeSports and BetFair are (&#8221-were&#8221-, in the case of BetFair, now) doing good, and sending some of the liquidity (which they acquire with sports) on the socially valuable prediction markets. See also what I said to BusinessWeek.

When the CFTC look at the 2 BetFair frontpages, they will now get to the conclusion that Chris Masse is an idiot, who was probably paid to talk up BetFair.

Thank you, BetFair.


The CFTC extends its regulatory arm to… the City of London.

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A CFTC Commissioner in the Financial Times:

So what effects do the Durbin legislation and the CFTC regulatory action have? Are they the kind of &#8220-excessive&#8221- regulation contemplated by the Balls Clause? Given the circumstances of the trading activity and entities involved, and the tailored approach to a work-able regulatory solution, the answer would appear to be No. The proposals are intended to provide authority to the US commodities regulator over US individuals trading certain products on a foreign board of trade. The idea is to ensure that foreign markets offering contracts that mirror energy products traded on US exchanges should have the same transparency requirements as the US market. The Durbin legislation would give the CFTC the ability to exercise power over manipulation, speculation and record-keeping by US citizens and instructs the US regulator to assess the foreign regulator&#8217-s ability to apply comparable regulatory principles prior to granting relief from US regulatory requirements. Similarly, the CFTC&#8217-s action would condition access to US customers on the ICE&#8217-s adoption of position limits and accountability levels on the WTI contract.

VIDEO: The financial markets hacker who will impress Jason Ruspini

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Previous blog posts by Chris F. Masse:

  • Robin Hanson fanboy and InTrade trader Patri Freidman’s outing —as one of the “sexiest geeks alive”
  • Is the mechanism outputting Justin Wolfers as the most cited prediction market researcher completely rotten?
  • COLD FUSION: Before you go trading on InTrade, do solve that, first —if you can.
  • Kudos to BetFair’s e-mail marketing team?
  • Conditional prediction markets about oil price and SegWay sales… Like the idea, Robin Hanson?
  • Justin Wolfers [*] is the most cited prediction market economist
  • The Orb @ Texas Tech University

JASON RUSPINIS CROCKERY: The Brain states forcefully that they are not event futures, but binary options. Still, as soon as he premieres prediction markets on tax rates at InTrade, he calls them tax futures -of course.

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Measured Enthusiasm for Prediction Markets – (PDF file) – by Jason Ruspini.

My thoughts:

  1. Peter McCluskey thinks they are &#8220-futures&#8221-.
  2. PAM was only extremely marginally about &#8220-terrorism and assassination futures&#8221-.
  3. Even though they don&#8217-t do much more than discounting known information, &#8220-prediction markets&#8221- is not a misnomer, since the term means that each prediction (in the form of an event derivative contract) is traded on a market.
  4. &#8220-Decision-aid markets&#8221-, not &#8220-decision markets&#8221- &#8212-I&#8217-d leave that last denomination for Robin Hanson&#8217-s original idea, when the decision applies automatically, after the trading.
  5. And what was Justin Wolfers&#8217- reasoning? Might we know? (And why did you swallow it?)
  6. Which are the manipulation papers making &#8220-unrealistic assumptions&#8221-? Names, please.
  7. Tax futures are great. But, who else in the world, other than mister Ruspini, believes that they can be fiscal hedging vehicles? (Not doubtful. Just asking. External links, please.)

Jason Ruspini on the regulation of US event derivative markets:

CFTC-like regulation would save these markets from having to navigate national and state gambling laws, but would come at the cost of flexibility. Some contracts would not be approved for political reasons even if they had demonstrable hedging utility and “economic purpose”.

CFTC regulation and election contracts

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Insofar as event markets are within the CFTC&#8217-s jurisdiction, they would likely be approved as &#8220-excluded commodities&#8221-. Here is the relevant part of the definition within the Commodity Exchange Act:

(iv) an occurrence, extent of an occurrence, or contingency (other than a change in the price, rate, value, or level of a commodity not described in clause (i))
that is—
(I) beyond the control of the parties to the relevant contract, agreement, or transaction- and
(II) associated with a financial, commercial, or economic consequence.

With the putative terrorism and assassination markets, by their nature, it is impossible to reliably identify who might manipulate an outcome. It could be argued then that such contracts do not involve commodities and lie outside the jurisdiction of the CFTC.* The counterargument is that such markets are actually &#8220-exempt commodities&#8221-, defined broadly in the CEA as &#8220-all non-agricultural, non-excluded commodities&#8221-. This is something for the CFTC to clarify: are event markets &#8220-excluded commodities&#8221-, &#8220-exempt commodities&#8221-, or might they fall into either category depending on their specifics? Examples of exempt commodities are energy products, metals and quasi-currencies like energy, bandwidth and carbon credits. In practice then, if not by law, exempt commodities have involved something deliverable in units other than cash, although specific contracts might also be cash-settled.

It is a good bet then that the CFTC would classify event markets as excluded commodities. Additionally, invoking the &#8220-beyond the control&#8221- clause would be a very antiseptic way for the agency to repudiate markets based on terrorist events and the like, although they would risk losing the ability to punish similar markets that do not meet all criteria. Putting that issue aside for a moment and considering only the CFTC&#8217-s approval process, this treatment would bring up two problems with markets that the agency might want to regulate. Each of these problems has a solution.

First, wouldn&#8217-t election and policy markets also be disqualified by the clause? After all, a candidate could throw an election for profit, or perhaps more likely, engage in some sort of &#8220-point shaving&#8221-. Remember, these are not securities and thus not subject to insider-trading laws. The CEA, however, includes a section 13(f) prohibiting members of exchanges from trading on material nonpublic information obtained through their exchange duties. It is feasible to create similar trading restrictions at the regulatory level, by disallowing candidates, their staffs and proxies from trading.

Such trading prohibitions would reasonably ensure that no trader would be in control of the outcome of the contract. The CFTC could levy a special trading fee (much less than 1% notional) on such contracts to offset the relative work they might entail. The framework for such an arrangement could possibly be clarified on the CFTC&#8217-s next reauthorization. In a sense, it was unfortunate that their request for comments on event markets came so late in their recent reauthorization process. From another perspective, they ostensibly have until 2013 to exercise innovative, progressive policy.

Now, what if someone not barred from trading possesses damning information, photos, etc, on a candidate? By deciding whether or not to release that information, are they then &#8220-in control&#8221- of the contract&#8217-s outcome? It&#8217-s doubtful. Even though they might influence the contract&#8217-s outcome, they are not &#8220-in control&#8221- of it. The situation is similar to whether or not a trader, who might be aware of a new oil find or simply has a large account, is in control of that non-&#8221-excluded&#8221- commodity price. In general, the rules should be designed to elicit as much information as possible, falling short of allowing traders to decide a 0 or 100 settlement.

The second issue is the implicit assassination option in candidates&#8217- contract prices.** This issue could be easily dealt with, as Intrade does with their updated rules. Clearly this would be necessary with CFTC-regulated contracts, or else an unknown might be in control of their outcomes. The CFTC rule might work as follows. Upon a death, all contracts would be immediately cash-settled at their last price before the event. As soon as possible, an updated set of contracts would then begin trading so that no trader is able to profit or lose from the jump in prices. This process would be similar to traders simply rolling into a new contract maturity. It would be disruptive, but nothing to complain about compared to the tragedy of the situation. Small modifications to the rule could address scenarios where a candidate is incapacitated for some time during which their candidacy is uncertain.

A more challenging scenario is the possibility of a manipulation preceding the event such that the forced settlement locks-in profits, presumably just as market power is exhausted. Regulations could provide for an investigation of such situations, and the relevant transactions and profits shouldn&#8217-t be too hard to find with that level of scrutiny.

This framework addresses several of the questions posed in the CFTC&#8217-s concept release. That document and comments elsewhere seem to indicate a reluctance to expand jurisdiction to the point where sports markets and gaming might be included. Officials now and then harken back to the pre-CFMA economic purpose test, but that test could be effectively reconstituted for event markets with a policy decision such that those markets will only be approved as excluded commodities, subject to their specific &#8220-economic consequence&#8221- clause. In itself, that policy would not impinge on the agency&#8217-s ability to prosecute unauthorized exchanges in similar markets (and hopefully they will treat Intrade with some degree of amnesty given the ambiguous and arbitrary law of this country). While this policy would leave the door open even for regulated sports-based hedging markets, the CFTC could leave the prosecution of online sports and gaming exchanges to the DOJ and state authorities for now. The burden of the duty to prosecute illegally operating exchanges might be smaller than feared, and, again, the agency could levy a special fee on such regulated markets to offset demands on its resources.

These opinions perhaps pose more questions than they answer. The Commodity Exchange Act is broad enough to encompass jurisdiction over event markets. The CFTC seems unsettled that the language is too broad, but there are ways for them to calibrate their jurisdiction at the policy level.

* A market in research science claims would follow the same logic in terms of jurisdiction. Even without a no-action letter or public interest exemption, the chances seem very good that such an exchange could operate without interference if they stayed with small claims, did not advertise and did not accept trades from States where the predominant factor test does not apply.

** Let me condemn Hillary Clinton&#8217-s recent remarks as sinister and irresponsible.

Cross-Posted from RM&amp-P

We will never have a perfect model of risk. – by Alan Greenspan

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We will never have a perfect model of risk

The most credible explanation of why risk management based on state-of-the-art statistical models can perform so poorly is that the underlying data used to estimate a model’s structure are drawn generally from both periods of euphoria and periods of fear, that is, from regimes with importantly different dynamics.