PubSubHubbub + PuSHPress

I have just installed the PuSHPress plugin, and this post is a test to see whether it works. If yes, this post should be indexed quickly by Google Reader (and other feed readers).

Filed in &#8220-Real-Time Web&#8220-.

UPDATE: I am so impressed, I could lay an egg. A brand-new post appears in Google Reader within seconds. I can&#8217-t believe it.

UPDATE 2: Any small editing is immediately fetched by Google Reader (provided it is done on the last 10 posts). Amazing.

WordPress 2.7, the embedded YouTube videos, and the feed readers

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This is an update. The WordPress guy came back to me with answers. It is a dual problem: a HTML validity issue and an invalid tag issue in TinyMCE.

  1. One way to solve the problem would be to use the &#8220-Smart YouTube&#8221- plugin. I won&#8217-t.
  2. If I embed the YouTube video in the &#8220-HTML&#8221- area, and don&#8217-t click on &#8220-Visual&#8221- before publishing, all is fine &#8212-the YouTube video will end up in the feed reader. I&#8217-ll do that, now.

Still no embedded YouTube videos to be seen in my feed reader(s).

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Problem with my WordPress 2.7, my embedded YouTube videos, and my feed reader(s).

Still a mystery.

No word yet from the WordPress authorities.

A tipster tells me that the plugin &#8220-Smart YouTube&#8221- solves the problem.

I won&#8217-t install the plugin before I get reliable info from the WordPress authorities.

UPDATE: If I embed the YouTube video in the &#8220-HTML&#8221- area, and don&#8217-t click on &#8220-Visual&#8221- before publishing, all is fine &#8212-the YouTube video will end up in the feed reader.

Problem with my WordPress 2.7, my embedded YouTube videos, and my feed reader(s).

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In my last post, I have embedded 7 YouTube videos on prediction markets (featuring Emile Servan-Schreiber of NewsFutures). While they work fine on the post within my web browser, they can&#8217-t be seen when that same post is displayed within a feed reader (such as Google Reader or Sage).

At this moment, I have no idea where the problem comes from. I would blame WordPress 2.7. (All was fine with the previous versions of WordPress.) Let me investigate that technical issue. I will post an update to this post, later on.

UPDATE: Still a mystery. A tipster tells me that the plugin &#8220-Smart YouTube&#8221- solves the problem.

UPDATE: If I embed the YouTube video in the &#8220-HTML&#8221- area, and don&#8217-t click on &#8220-Visual&#8221- before publishing, all is fine &#8212-the YouTube video will end up in the feed reader.


Nigel, your very nice poll widget cant be seen within my feed reader (Google Reader). Put it in the trash can, will you.

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Previous blog posts by Chris F. Masse:

  • The FaceBook profiles of the 2 most important men of the field of prediction markets
  • Google now considers Midas Oracle as a major blog.
  • Horizon 2015: A long-term strategic perspective for the real-money prediction markets
  • Join our group at LinkedIn to have your “Prediction Markets” badge on your profile. It’s ‘chic’. (“Groups” info should be set as “visible”, in your profile options.) We are 63 this early Saturday morning —keeps growing.
  • If you have been using PayPal to fund your InTrade, TradeSports or BetFair account, please, check that horror story.
  • 48 hours after the launch of the “Prediction Markets” group at LinkedIn, we have already 52 members —both prediction market luminaries and simple people (trading the event derivatives or collecting the market-generated probabilities).

If you want to check the brand-new Midas Oracle comments every 10 minutes, dont use a Web-based feed reader like Google Reader, do use (for this purpose) a PC-based feed reader (like Sage on FireFox).

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Google Reader fetches our comment feed once an hour or so. Too long for some.

Scan this feed explainer, I have listed the PC-based feed readers. You can then decide exactly when to fetch our comment feed &#8212-every 10 minutes, every 20 minutes, etc.

As for me, the blog administrator, I read comments and reply to them &#8212-from within the WordPress system, on the &#8220-comments&#8221- page.

I&#8217-ll log in as a simple subscriber, soon, and see whether one simple registered Midas Oracle reader could, from there, reply to other people&#8217-s comments. That would solve some of the problems of the guy linked to, above.

Folks, you are reading this within Google Reader, ARENT YOU??

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Best RSS Newsreaders

How to use the Midas Oracle feeds&#8230-

Previous blog posts by Chris F. Masse:

  • A second look at HedgeStreet’s comment to the CFTC about “event markets”
  • Since YooPick opened their door, Midas Oracle has been getting, daily, 2 or 3 dozens referrals from FaceBook.
  • US presidential hopeful John McCain hates the Midas Oracle bloggers.
  • If you have tried to contact Chris Masse thru the Midas Oracle Contact Form, I’m terribly sorry to inform you that your message was not delivered to the recipient.
  • “Over a ten-year period commencing on January 1, 2008, and ending on December 31, 2017, the S & P 500 will outperform a portfolio of funds of hedge funds, when performance is measured on a basis net of fees, costs and expenses.”
  • Meet professor Thomas W. Malone (on the right), from the MIT’s Center for Collective Intelligence.

Google Reader now lets you jot down a note about any feed item that youve just read, before you share it with your acquaintances and friends (so they can sense how you feel about the news of the day). So, now, we know what Googles Bo Cowgill thinks of the CFTC announcement: ITS COOL.

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Bo Cowgill

Here&#8217-s the Google Reader announcement about this new functionality. (My thought: it&#8217-s &#8220-cool&#8221-. :-D )

Robert Scoble thinks it&#8217-s lame.

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To share items with me (Chris Masse) within Google Reader, go to GMail, and under &#8220-Chat&#8221- (on the left pane), click on &#8220-Add Contact&#8221-. Paste my e-mail address there (chrisfmasse +++at&#8212- gmail +dot&#8212- com). Once I receive your invite, I&#8217-ll accept it. You will then see my shared items and I&#8217-ll see yours within Google Reader.

– Advanced tips on how to share items with friends within Google Reader

– Chris Masse&#8217-s Starred Items at Google Reader &#8212- Many things there.

– Chris Masse&#8217-s Shared Items at Google Reader &#8212- Only the most important things.

More info about site feeds and feed readers.

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And, remember:

  1. Life is &#8220-cool&#8221-.
  2. Parachute jumping is &#8220-cool&#8221-.
  3. Prediction markets are &#8220-cool&#8221-.
  4. Google is &#8220-cool&#8221-.
  5. Google Reader is &#8220-cool&#8221-.
  6. Midas Oracle is &#8220-cool&#8221-.
  7. God is &#8220-cool&#8221-.
  8. Robin Hanson is &#8220-cool&#8221-, too. :-D
  9. Let&#8217-s all be &#8220-cool&#8221-.