– A Lesson in Prediction Markets from the Game of Craps –- by Paul Hewitt
– Why Public Prediction Markets Fail –- by Paul Hewitt
Both articles are required reading for Jed Christiansen and Panos Ipeirotis (alias “-Prof Panos”-).
– A Lesson in Prediction Markets from the Game of Craps –- by Paul Hewitt
– Why Public Prediction Markets Fail –- by Paul Hewitt
Both articles are required reading for Jed Christiansen and Panos Ipeirotis (alias “-Prof Panos”-).
Prediction Markets = Betting Markets = Event Derivative Markets
They don’-t agree, but I don’-t care. I am right, and they are wrong.
Well, we’-re here to help out the lost souls.
Director and Founder: Intrade
Privately Held- 11-50 employees- Capital Markets industry
September 1999 – February 2002 (2 years 6 months)
I was one of the founders and a director of the company Intrade which set up one of the first sports exchanges in Europe.
Nowadays there is a vogue for calling these businesses prediction markets…-which presumably mans there must be markets that don’-t predict events and trade on past [occurrence]?
No, it means that prediction markets are optimized for simplicity and usability —-as opposed to the other derivative markets, which are quite complicated and inaccessible to the mainstream people.
Prior to the Wikipedia community vote on adopting CC BY-SA it crossed my mind to set up several play money prediction market contracts concerning the above outcomes conditioned on Wikipedia adopting CC BY-SA by August 1, 2009, for which I did set up a contract. It is just as well that I didn’t — or rather if I had, I would have had to heavily promote all of the contracts in order to stimulate any play trading — the basic adoption contract at this point hasn’t budged from 56% since the vote results were announced, which means nobody is paying attention to the contract on Hubdub.
Blame yourself, Mike. I blogged 10 times about the concept of “-X group”- —-the symbiosis between a set of prediction markets and a set of bloggers.
Might this be an instance where prediction markets greatly out-performed the experts? In short, no. There were relevant markets but two big problems:
Did you lose money betting on InTrade, lately? Well, your money ended up in the pocket of that guy:
UPDATE: There was nothing about “-hating the game”- in my post. It was just a reference to the “-sheep and wolves”- concept floated by Robin Hanson. (See also the Iowa Electronic Markets research on their traders.)
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Well, at least, one aspect of the prediction markets.
Uniited States Patent Application:
A user participates in trading securities in a prediction market which represent different outcomes of an event, using an interface which allows the user to understand a trade in terms of a bet. The interface also allows the user to explore different bet amounts while receiving feedback on potential payoffs in real time. In one approach, a tool is used which is moved in one direction by the user to indicate a larger trade for an outcome, or in the opposite direction to indicate a larger trade against the outcome. A bet for an outcome can be translated into a purchase of a corresponding security which represents the outcome. A bet against a particular outcome can be translated into a purchase of securities which represents all other outcomes. The user interfaces hides complexities of the market from the user while surfacing relevant information.
Inventors: BERG- HENRY G.- (Redmond, WA) – PROEBSTING- TODD A.- (Redmond, WA)
I won’-t comment on this, because I believe that the US patent system is broken, generally speaking.
NewsFutures + Science &- Vie (a science magazine published in the F country)
In French, alas, but I am sure Emile would lend the same technology to some English-speaking magazines in the U.S. or the U.K. that would want to open the same kind of prediction exchange for science.