Robin Hanson:
Hal and Silas, endorsing this proposal does not mean that I would not prefer other proposals- it just means I prefer this to the status quo. Chris Masse is an example of someone who has difficulty accepting this endorsement concept.
Why wouldn’-t you:
- Gather with yourself and determine under what precise circumstances you want the real-money prediction markets (which you co-invented with the IEM people) to flourish in your country-
- Then, consult with your peers (Wolfers et al.) on whether they’-d agree with you-
- Publish a petition that lays out how the real-money prediction markets would blossom in America-
- Add, at the bottom of that petition, an appendix laying out what would be, for you, an acceptable Plan B-
- Hummmm…-.??…- Sounds more logical to me.
Previous blog posts by Chris F. Masse:
- Prediction Markets
- Meet professor Justin Wolfers.
- Become “friend” with me on Google E-Mail so as to share feed items with me within Google Reader.
- Nigel Eccles’ flawed “vision” about HubDub shows that he hasn’t any.
- How does InTrade deal with insider trading?
- Modern Life
- “The Beacon” is an excellent blog published by The Independent Institute.