Robin Hanson is now Chief Scientist of Consensus Point.

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Robin Hanson is now Chief Scientist of Consensus Point.

Here&#8217-s the expanded list of Consensus Point customers &#8212-Fortune-500 firms, mainly.

Here&#8217-s their definition of what is a prediction market.

Here&#8217-s their product page.

With Inkling Markets and NewsFutures, Consensus Point is the co-leader in the enterprise prediction markets space.

Best wishes to all of them.

iPredict New Zealand

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iPredict New Zealand

iPredict New Zealand is a legal, real-money prediction exchange organizing real-money prediction markets. They can also provide support for enterprise prediction markets.

iPredict New Zealand has been declared a futures dealer by the New Zealand Securities Commission, which means iPredict is treated as an exchange under securities law.

Best wishes to them.


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