As you know, some people commenting here told me they went into trouble, even when they were logged in. I found out why. The anti-spam plugin “-WP Spam Free”- does not exempt registered blog users from its anti-spam checking. It only exempts the administrator (me). That’-s absurd. (See the WP forum.) The registered users of Midas Oracle should be trusted a priori.
I didn’-t know that. When some commenters complained to me, I thought they were completely drunk. Sorry for that, folks.
Which is why the plugin “-WP Spam Free”- is out (until its author comes back to his sense), and “-Bad Behavior”- is in.
Commenters, let me know whether the problems you got while trying to comment on Midas Oracle have disappeared. Thanks. I promise I’-ll trust you, this time. 
Our previous post on the topic of registration (which is recommended).
UPDATE: Bad Behavior proved to be good for my blog users, but lately, I endured an attack of spam comments (60 last night). So, I did disable Bad Behavior and re-enable WP Spam Free for a while…- I’-ll see what to do next…- If you encounter problems, e-mail me. I think you should accept cookies and have JavaScript enabled in your browser…-