“-The biggest challenge is getting people in the company to be active”- [].
In terms of unrealistic assumptions in Robin Hanson’-s series of papers on manipulation, the major ones have been out there since at least 2004.
Despite some limited evidence, the insistence on traders needing to know the direction of manipulation isn’-t too compelling since the direction will be manifest insofar as the price is “-wrong.”- “-Noise trader”- is a politically loaded and misleading term. Misleading because it suggests that the mean effect will be zero, when in reality “-noise trading”- usually takes the form of feedback trading. Lack of feedback trading is a significant assumption in the Hanson manipulation papers. Fortunately, prediction markets have objective settlements at specified times, unlike traditional assets where the meaning of prices is open to interpretation, making them more prone to feedback trading and irrational booms and busts.
With prediction markets, conditions for manipulation are more favorable when the settlement is far off in time, and when there are subjective inputs to the settlement, e.g. in politics. A distant settlement simultaneously makes it less clear what the real price should be, and delays manipulator losses because there is less incentive to correct price. At the limit, a manipulator could introduce a price distortion when a contract is launched, only to reverse position for small liquidity-related loss immediately before settlement, thereby destroying the markets “-integral”- of error over time.
Another big assumption, also identified by Paul Hewitt, is that traders have equal account sizes. But maybe this isn’-t a huge problem if settlement is forthcoming, and maybe the issue could be mitigated with additional exchange disclosures, such as the standard deviation of position sizes in a given market. While this could discourage liquidity as large traders would become paranoid about their positions, it is essentially a “-soft”- position limit, and traders would be forewarned of one-sided markets (which could of course be the result of someone well-informed, but I –- the google-anonymous* writer –- would bet that more concentration comes with more error on average…- this can be tested by someone with the data, of course maintaining trader anonymity)
Even accounting for long-term settlement, feedback trading, semi-subjective settlements, and account size imbalances, it seems one would have to abide to an overly rigid tenet of “-do no harm”- to hold that prediction markets are, on net, a bad idea. (Do no harm is of course abhorrent to libertarians, and even doctors don’-t actually follow such a rule.) Moreover, some pathologies like political self-fulfilling prophecy will only happen if prediction markets have already demonstrated their value and have become more popular. But even if one believes in their long term success, single pathologies can damage one’-s reputation permanently…- if one plans to die at a reasonable age.
[*Given the political climate, many firms have issued directives to employees to not engage in even the slightest appearance of impropriety, which might include blogging on manipulation.]
Spot the comments in the following posts:
– Robin Hanson to Paul Hewitt –- #1
– Robin Hanson to Paul Hewitt –- #2
Finally, we need to know if this was only possible, because it was a fairly simple experimental model. Will the same decision-maker’s ability exist in extremely complex public policy markets?
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I renew my boycott on the $400 vendor conference on prediction markets.
As I said many times, do not pay anything (not even $4) to listen to vendors’- marketing message —-and to illuminated academics bought by these vendors.
They all exaggerate the usefulness of the prediction markets.
And beware that phone-booth conference organizer who hides under a female account and a “-legal assistant”- account on that e-mailing list.
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The blogger at Sabernomics sees “-this as a win for prediction markets, not a failure.”-
I don’-t share his views, but I wanted to link to his piece for you to make up your own mind about the issue.
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Prof Michael Giberson,
No “-careful observer knew this in advance”- (about Chicago being a lemon), for the simple reason that if they knew, they would have downgraded Chicago on the InTrade and BetFair prediction markets, and Ben Shannon would have not bet $6,000 on Chicago.
I look forward to your contrite correction on the frontpage of Knowledge Problem —-in bold, and with a link to Midas Oracle, stating that “-Midas Oracle is the only website in the world to have told you *not* to bet on Chicago a€”and to stay (far) away from any Olympics venue prediction market.”-
My thesis holds: The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is a close aristocratic group that does not leak out good information.
Previously: Chicago wona€™t have the Olympics in 2016.
– BetFair’-s event derivative prices:
– InTrade’-s event derivative prices:
– HubDub’-s event derivative prices: