How Bets Among Employees Can Guide a Company’-s Future –- Internal prediction markets enable colleagues to wager on the fate of crucial projects and the success of products in the pipeline. –- Technology Review
Tag Archives: Collective Forecasting
If prediction markets are such a powerful tool, then why arent we able to use them to solve [INSERT YOUR FAVORITE WORLD PROBLEM HERE]?
Justin Wolfers is asked the question, but I would have a different answer than his.
The reason prediction markets are not widely used in business is that their many boosters (Robin Hanson, James Surowiecki, Justin Wolfers, etc.) have exaggerated their usefulness. Just because they are objective in their wisdom does not mean that they are very useful.
Objectivity is over-rated. This is a painful lesson for the handful of young startups who swallowed the prediction market myth. Next step: the dead pool.
Emile Servan-Schreiber @ Lumenogic
NewsFutures has become Lumenogic.
“-Collective intelligence for senior leadership”-…- —- the word in bold tells us a lot.
John Stossel – Gambling in America – [VIDEO]
Part 4 is about prediction markets and InTrade.
Part 4 is about InTrade’-s prediction markets:
Robin Hanson bores his students with Futarchy. -> He is asked to apply his concept to Himself.
A commenter on his blog (Bill):
Why not experiment at GMU?
Have the students run the university using Futarchy principals. They pick the goals, then you use markets.
You can even start on a smaller scale, a class.
Report back on your experiment.
NewsFuturess post mortem on the French elections
CrowdCast @ Under the Radar 2010
Download this post to watch the video if your feed reader does not show it to you.
Prediction Market Video – [VIDEO]
Twitter is more predictive than the Hollywood Stock Exchange (HSX). – [RESEARCH]
You could turnA Bernardo Huberman‘-s study around and say that the HSX traders are not yet using Twitter as a source to the full extent possible.