Tag Archives: bubbles
The Great Contemporary Art Bubble – [VIDEO]
Ben Lewis: “-Great works of art are still being made today but the great contemporary art bubble will surely go down in history as the epitome of the vanity and folly of our age.”-
I highly recommend you watch this 2009 documentary.
In light of the upcoming bursting of the Cantor Exchange, Max Keiser have regrets about creating the Hollywood Stock Exchange.
Joe Weisenthal drinks the Kool-Aide
The CFTC really should be called to account for launching something like this – while the fire is still burning on the various CFTC approved products/contracts responsible for the last two years of economy collapse…
But here’s what I think. Since every media outlet in the world is going to cover this – and everybody who has every ‘dreamed of hollywood’ will be instantly addicted to all news coming out of this . . . the crisis of the last two years will be – like – forgotten (unless you happen to have become homeless or lost your job or house or something).
This is going to be a spectacular bubble and burst and I almost feel bad for having invented it.
Nouriel Roubini on carry trade… and the anemic recovery
Doctor Gloom:
Jim Rodgers on gold: