Cantor Exchange and Trend Exchange defend the usefulness of movie hedging.

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Lions Gate vice chairman Michael Burns said the marketswould allow a diverse group of motion picture industry participants, including studios, film distributors, theater owners, investors and other financial intermediaries within the motion picture industry to manage their risk and exposure to new film releases.&#8221-

“We believe a market in domestic box office receipts would substantially widen the number and breadth of financing sources available to the motion picture industry by lowering the risk inherent in such financing,” Burns wrote.

Robin Hanson is in favor of movie business futures.


– &#8220-Geithner also rejected the ban on creating a movie futures market, saying you don&#8217-t want &#8216-Washington bureaucrats&#8217- stifling innovation.&#8221-

– Jason Ruspini sends us the link of the Senate bill.