I am one of those “-honorable people”- who get caught in Askimet’-s net. Any blog running Askimet will refuse any of my comments. I have never submitted any illegitimate comment, though.
It’-s a big scandal.
Askimet = Shit.
I am one of those “-honorable people”- who get caught in Askimet’-s net. Any blog running Askimet will refuse any of my comments. I have never submitted any illegitimate comment, though.
It’-s a big scandal.
Askimet = Shit.
By the way, blogging was born during the last economic recession.
UPDATE: Felix Salmon explains the economics of blogs.
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Her blog —-powered by WordPress.
Video #2: Perez Hilton
#1. X Groups
Predictify is unveiling a two-way interaction between their prediction platform and the blogs out there.
#2: Social Networking
I’-m told that Predictify will soon unveil a FaceBook application. We will see whether it’-s Predictify working on FaceBook or Predictify woking with FaceBook. See the difference? (YooPick works on FaceBook, not with FaceBook.)
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– 200 web visitors (coming from Google) reached my John Edwards post, published yesterday afternoon (ET).
– 10% of them followed my links to the 2 HubDub prediction markets on John Edwards.
Remember that those web stats count only the web visitors, not the feed subscribers —-who are more numerous, and whom I focus more on.
TAKEAWAY: A popular PMJ website, which would associate fresh news and betting recommendations, would send many people to the prediction markets.
The mainstream media and the classic bloggers will never deal with real-money prediction markets the way they should be dealt with —-for multiple reasons (moral, ethical, legal, etc.). And for other reasons, they will never link to the play-money prediction markets.
Look Justin Wolfers at the Wall Street Journal: He is the most excited about prediction markets. Yet, he does not link to InTrade directly. He does not link to the InTrade real-money prediction markets. Hence, his blah blah blah does not translate into more revenues for InTrade.
What it takes is a brand-new media organization, entirely devoted to prediction markets, and run by die-hard prediction market people.
Please, guys, help me.
Here are the stats about the feed subscribers to these blogs who use either Google Reader or iGoogle.
To interpret these data, you should know that:
Caught on video.
Hear it for yourself:
Campaign For Liberty
Campaign For Liberty – Blog
Previous blog posts by Chris F. Masse:
The New York Times on the brand-new SSRN ranking functionality:
Bloggers like Mr. Reynolds [a university professor] tend to do well on the site, since they can promote their work and offer links to their articles.
Social Science Research Network – (SSRN)
Previous blog posts by Chris F. Masse: