Truly amazing. Watch.
Battle of Branchage from seeper on Vimeo.
[…] What I think PirateMyFilm will bring to the copyright reform party is the idea that films and music can be collectively financed, i.e., crowd financed, with both the artistic creator and the art consumer participating in the revenue streams.
To me, economics, markets and finance are an artistic medium in their own right and, as such, can be modeled, molded, manufactured and modified in artistic ways reflecting self expression as easily as paint, words, clay or plastic.
All of the projects I’ve been involved with for the past 15 years: [Hollywood Stock Exchange], KarmaBanque, GulagWealthFund, PirateMyFilm and my yet-to-be-publish novel, “Buy Love, Sell Fear,” all share this common characteristic of seeing price discovery and market making as a form of self expression and artistic freedom.
Absurd…- and tasteless.
Ugly and pointless American art.
A political cretin with no taste.
[Cross-posted from our twin blog, Midas Oracle .COM]
$125 million —-and that’-s only on the first day of the auctions.
Felix Salmon has an omelette on his head, now.
UPDATE: NYT – The Times of London – BBC News
John Horgan in the WSJ
…-“-like nice liberal Democrats”-…- ha! ha! ha! —- …- like Mike Linksvayer, then…- (depending on your meaning of “-liberal”-)…-
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