Robin Hanson is not convinced by the Google experiment with enterprise prediction markets -to say the least.

Robin Hanson in a comment on Marginal Revolution: This is important work for organizational sociology, but not for prediction markets, as this does little to help us find and field high value markets. Finally, somebody who speaks the truth. See … Continue reading

Have Googles enterprise prediction markets been accurate?

Justin Wolfers: So we decided to move beyond asking, “Do prediction markets work?” and instead use them as a tool for better understanding how information flows within a (very cool) corporation. I am more interested in the accuracy of the … Continue reading

Who did best in explaining the prediction markets to the lynching crowd?

After the New Hampshire fiasco, 16 18 people came to defend the prediction markets, so far. So far, the best takes are from: George Tziralis Robin Hanson Jonathan Kennedy and I&#8217-ll give the 4th spot to a combo, mixing takes … Continue reading

In a truly efficient prediction market, the price will come to reflect the influence of all available information.

Justin Wolfers in the Wall Street Journal: […] Through this process of different people trading based on their own observations about the race, prediction markets prices come to aggregate disparate pieces of information into a single summary measure of the … Continue reading

InTrades global warming prediction markets are more socially interesting than BetFairs ones.

InTrade has just opened (and not publicized yet on their site feed) a set of global warming prediction markets &#8212-more exactly, event derivative markets on whether the world&#8217-s biggest national governments will soon agree to reduce CO2 emissions under the … Continue reading