The health-care debacle on InTrade

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[The Intrade event derivative traders] &#8220-are getting more and more alienated by the actions and judgments of Intrade&#8217-s management.&#8221-

Is InTrade mis-managed? Many people are starting to think so, apparently. Still think that Chris Masse of Midas Oracle is too much critical of InTrade, my dear Chuck?

Peter Schiff on Wall Street, US dollar, US Treasury bonds, China, Barack Obama, US economy, US jobs, US housing market, US tax credits, US student loans, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, America, capitalism, assett bubbles, US bailouts, Ron Paul, gold standard, paper money, our Founding Fathers, etc.

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Peter Schiff (November 13, 2009):

Peter Schiff (November 9, 2009) on US dollar carry trade:

He is running for US Senate: