Gold Bulls and Dollar Bears Silenced

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The price of Gold has plunged and the dollar has rallied strongly after the US government reported a surprise drop in the unemployment rate to 10 percent.

Those that felt that Gold was not a &#8220-dangerous&#8221- trade are looking a little shifty this evening. Gold is currently trading at $1149 an ounce, down nearly $59 on the day and way below the mystical $1200 mark, much beloved of the recent bulls/bandwagon merchants.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Dollar has surged against all major currencies. Pre-report estimates were for the unemployment rate to remain unchanged at 10.2 percent. In addition, the total jobs lost came in at 11,000, well above the consensus estimate of 125,000. The October job loss was also revised lower.

Traders rushed to buy the Dollar on the back of the surprise news, as it raises the possibility that the Federal Reserve might be forced to raise interest rates much sooner than most had expected.

One City of London Prop trader, who wished to remain unnamed, said that he had been skinned after betting that the unemployment numbers would come in at worse than consensus-

&#8220-When the 10000 number came in, there was an audible gasp, followed by silence&#8230- then everybody rushed to close out their positions. Once again the market has taught us all a hard lesson&#8230- I don&#8217-t know of a single person who was short Gold, long the dollar at this time.&#8221-

The road to nowhere – European gambling law from Schindler to Bwin Liga and beyond.. An analysis of European Gambling Law by Niall OConnor

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&#8220-The road to nowhere &#8211- European gambling law from Schindler to Bwin Liga and beyond.&#8221-. An analysis of European Gambling Law by Niall O&#8217-Connor

The journey from the European Court of Justice&#8217-s ruling in Schindler to its most recent ruling in Bwin Liga has been a long one, during which, many lawyers have enriched themselves. Little has actually been settled to date, and many fear that under the leadership of Michel Barnier, that that is unlikely to change.


Safe and Secure Internet Gambling Initiative

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The United States War against Online Gambling – An analysis of how the US sought and failed to stamp out Internet gambling.

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&#8220-The United States&#8217- War against Online Gambling&#8221- &#8211- An analysis of how the US sought and failed to stamp out internet gambling.


Safe and Secure Internet Gambling Initiative

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What was said at the Barney Frank hearing

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Safe and Secure Internet Gambling Initiative spokesman Michael Waxman responds to a House Committee on Financial Services hearing on Internet gambling on December 3, 2009:

Their PR.

[H.R. 2266, Reasonable Prudence in Regulation Act, and H.R. 2267, the Internet Gambling Regulation, Consumer Protection, and Enforcement Ac


Safe and Secure Internet Gambling Initiative

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Barney Frank hearing on Internet betting and gambling in the United States Of America

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All went well. All witnesses were in favor of legalizing Internet gambling. Read the tidbits on

&#8211- PR about the hearing coming from the Safe and Secure Internet Gambling Initiative:

[H.R. 2266, Reasonable Prudence in Regulation Act, and H.R. 2267, the Internet Gambling Regulation, Consumer Protection, and Enforcement Act]


Safe and Secure Internet Gambling Initiative

Right 2 Bet

Betting on Copenhagen

Emile Servan-Schreiber comments on a New York Times opinion piece:

The idea that betting could help us gain clarity on some controversial scientific questions has first been proposed by George Mason economics professor Robin Hanson in 1992 in a paper entitled &#8220-Could Gambling Save Science&#8221- and available online here:

The benefits of creating prediction markets about controversial climate-change issues in particular is further developed on Nate Silver&#8217-s blog and in this presentation given at CalTech in 2004: