The Apple Tablet looks like a bigger iPhone that sports an awesome UI packed in a beautiful 10.1-inch screen.
Dont let the best leaves the boat.
The unsavory and dangerous practice of financial firms betting against their clients needs to be thoroughly investigated.
New York Times editorial against Goldman Sachs and the other financial firms.
Humm. I agree that some practices are evil, but do the NYT know that hedging is good?
The iPod Touch is the future of the prediction markets.
Platforms, markets, and bytes
Download this post to watch the video —-if your feed reader does not show it to you.
Robin Hansons futarchy is retarded.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Debate between Robin Hanson and blogger Mencius Moldbug about futarchy, “-a subject on which fur has flown over the blogosphere.”-
If he had balls, Robin Hanson would debate Paul Hewitt, instead.
Paul Hewitt: The Essential Prerequisite for Adopting Prediction Markets
It is a long text, so I will post again about it, in the near future. (Happy Xmas, by the way.)
ADDENDUM: Saturday, January 16, 2010: Debate between Robin Hanson and Mencius Moldbug
Forecasting the US economy for 2010 and 2011
Jed Christiansen is not dead.
He is working at Google as “-a Strategic Partner Manager in the EMEA Reseller team”-.
Another proof that prediction markets don’-t put food on the table of their most ardent advocates.