Here are 2 facts:
- “-In three years, desktops will be irrelevant.”- –- [More.]
- The future of mobile computing is Flash free.
–->- BetFair does not seem to be getting #2.
Here are 2 facts:
–->- BetFair does not seem to be getting #2.
Business Insider cites various InTrade probabilities.
RightSide Capital Management will make 100-200 investments per year.
Via Daniel Horowitz
They are jointly operating a new website, focused on the next UK general election:
As of today, the British GOP is set to win. We’-ll see.
The French government will ask internet gambling operators accessing the French market to turn over:
Jason Ruspini tells me that CNBC reports that the CFTC “-lifted its stay”- on the Cantor Exchange application yesterday. CNBC is going to interview Rich Jaycobs, today.
PS: You can play for free at: