Joe Weisenthal is now in bed with InTrade.

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Business Insider cites various InTrade probabilities.

  1. Joe should mention whether there is volume on each market.
  2. Joe should cite BetFair, not InTrade, for any UK-related event.
  3. Joe should be aware of InTrade&#8217-s long history of fucking up contracts and settlements on non-sporting events. (Type &#8220-North Korea missile InTrade&#8221- in Google, and review the various InTrade forums for traces of past fights.)

French online gambling laws are turning into a kafkian farce.

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The French government will ask internet gambling operators accessing the French market to turn over:

  • the ID details of all gamblers-
  • the banking info on all gamblers-
  • the details of all bets made by the gamblers-
  • the source code of all software used-
  • etc.


HSX-founder Max Keiser on the Cantor Exchange – [VIDEO]

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4 minutes into:

Jason Ruspini tells me that CNBC reports that the CFTC &#8220-lifted its stay&#8221- on the Cantor Exchange application yesterday. CNBC is going to interview Rich Jaycobs, today.

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