Felix Salmons hastily written NYT Op-Ed about the Cantor Exchange and MDEX

You will learn nothing.

Watch the US House video instead. You will have more facts and more arguments.

UPDATE: Mike Giberson has a remark on Felix&#8217-s piece.

Every investment in film is gambling.

A Case for Movie Futures &#8211- by Buzz Potamkin, former studio executive and producer, in the biz for 40+ years, now a consultant

Robin Hanson bores his students with Futarchy. -> He is asked to apply his concept to Himself.

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A commenter on his blog (Bill):

Why not experiment at GMU?

Have the students run the university using Futarchy principals. They pick the goals, then you use markets.

You can even start on a smaller scale, a class.

Report back on your experiment.