BREAKING: The CFTC approves MDEXs real-money prediction markets on movie box office.

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&#8220-In a 3-2 vote, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission on Monday afternoon approved a contract created by the company Media Derivatives that would allow traders to bet on the gross receipts that a movie pulls in during its opening weekend.&#8221-




Felix Salmon

&#8220-If we approve these types of things on the arguments posed in favor of them, we could be approving things like death pools or terrorism contracts, something Congress surely never intended.&#8221-

Hollywood Reporter




Pre-IPO BetFair silences its PR chief Mark Davies.

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Mark Davies:

The reason is that with my job at Betfair having recently changed so that I have responsibility for regulation but no longer for our public positioning, I have been asked not to blog about industry and company issues. Rather than stop writing completely, I have only been publishing things which cannot be construed to be a Betfair view.

Why did BetFair demote a brilliant spin doctor?

Makes no sense at all. Absurd.

The new French law on Internet betting and gambling – [VIDEO]

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Critical documentary in French:

LES DESSOUS DE LA LOI,Les yeux dans les jeux
envoy&eacute- par publicsenat. &#8211- Regardez les derni&egrave-res vid&eacute-os d&#039-actu.

Via Daniel Schneidermann

Loi sur les jeux en ligne, enquete
envoye par asi. &#8211- Regardez les dernieres videos d&#8217-actu.

CFTC: 3-2 in favor of approval of movie contracts -SO FAR.

What was said at the CFTC hearing on movie futures.

Hollywood Reporter.

Business Week. More.


John Stossel – Gambling in America – [VIDEO]

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Part 4 is about prediction markets and InTrade.

Part 4 is about InTrade&#8217-s prediction markets: