Doing The Delegate/SuperDelegate Math.

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Read the previous blog posts by Chris F. Masse:

  • Never talk when you can nod, and never nod when you can wink, and never write an e-mail because it’s death. You’re giving prosecutors all the evidence we need.
  • Is Justin Wolfers a libertarian? Probably not.
  • The information technology that caught Eliot Spitzer
  • Eric Zitzewitz’s 10 minutes of fame
  • Fun with conditional probabilities
  • Wrongly Crafted Headlines Of The Day
  • an American, petite, very pretty brunette, 5 feet 5 inches, and 105 pounds


= like sausages

You don&#8217-t really know what&#8217-s inside.

The Numbers Guy

Question Mark

Author Profile&nbsp-Editor and Publisher of Midas Oracle .ORG .NET .COM &#8212- Chris Masse&#8217-s mugshot &#8212- Contact Chris Masse &#8212- Chris Masse&#8217-s LinkedIn profile &#8212- Chris Masse&#8217-s FaceBook profile &#8212- Chris Masse&#8217-s Google profile &#8212- Sophia-Antipolis, France, E.U. Read more from this author&#8230-

Read the previous blog posts by Chris. F. Masse:

  • Barack Obama is the 44th US president.
  • We already have prediction markets in future tax rates. It’s called the municipal bond yield curve.
  • O’Reilly – Money-Tech Conference
  • Google Profiles
  • Event Derivative Exchange HedgeStreet is baaaaaaaaack… from the grave.
  • Sports Derivative Forum

The best headline of the day -post Michigan

Ron Paul

From the Los Angeles Times:

Ron Paul, Dr. No-body, beats Rudy and Fred &#8211-again.

Well, he&#8217-s hanging in there. Not only that, but Rep. Ron Paul thumped two reputed Republican heavyweights in the Michigan primary &#8212- former Sen. Fred Thompson of Tennessee and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani. [&#8230-]

Take that, Mike Linksvayer and Caveat Bettor. :-D

Read the previous blog posts by Chris. F. Masse:

  • WordPress, you’re simply the best.
  • Swarchy – Unleashing the mass wisdom
  • Prediction markets are rushing to incorporate the latest Nevada polls. [*]
  • The BetFair blog claims a worldwide victory, but does not show its wares.
  • The Future of the Prediction Markets
  • We regret to inform you of the passing of
  • Niall O’Connor, the one-data-point analyst

Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) would free our prediction markets.

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Ron Paul - Meet The Press

December 23, 2007: Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) – Meet the Press – TRANSCRIPT



Hurry up to download the video or audio file(s) above. Will stay up on their website only for one week.

YouTube: #1 – #2 – #3 – #4



UPDATE: Robin Hanson comments&#8230-

This transcript says nothing about prediction markets. A president Paul might do many things that required only an executive order, but other things would require the cooperation of Congress. A presidential executive order could not overturn CFTC, SEC or state gambling legislation. He could approve government prediction markets, such as the Policy Analysis Market, that might well be seen as immune to these other regulations. But given everything else he&#8217-d be trying to do, I&#8217-m not sure when he&#8217-d get around to this.

Finally, someone tells the libertarian truth on the US ban against Internet betting and gambling.

Reason Magazine blog (who else?):

It&#8217-s too bad Europe, Japan, and Canada caved. Here&#8217-s hoping little Antigua stays plucky.

A few observations:

First, and most obviously, the U.S. government is so hellbent on policing the online habits of its citizens, it&#8217-s willing to pay what will likely be tens of billions of dollars of money in trade reparations—taken from same said U.S. citizens in tax receipts—to maintain its dumb ban on consensual online wagering.

Second, the U.S. could have resolved all of this and preserved its precious gambling prohibition by simply making the prohibition uniform. But that wouldn&#8217-t do. Just as important as the ban on Internet gambling itself were the carve-outs for politically-protected special interest groups. Think state lotteries, or the horse racing industry, which has over the years given generously to the campaigns of people like Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell and Virginia Rep. Bob Goodlatte, who decry the immorality of online poker while also supporting carveouts for the ponies. So the tens of billions the U.S. government is paying to settle the trade dispute is not only to preserve the gambling ban, it&#8217-s to preserve the congressionally-granted monopoly on online wagering for interests with more political clout than poker players.

Finally, U.S. Trade Office flack Gretchen Hamel apparently told Reuters she &#8220-isn&#8217-t going to get into&#8221- the terms of the settlement. Pardon? Is the settlement not being paid with public funds? Aren&#8217-t the people who negotiated the settlement employees of the U.S. government? On what grounds does the U.S. Trade Office feel it&#8217-s entitled to withhold this information?

Previously: The European Commission dealt a blow to European online gaming companies Monday when it accepted a U.S. offer of openings in other sectors as compensation for closing the U.S. gambling market to foreign firms.

Author Profile&nbsp-Editor and Publisher of Midas Oracle .ORG .NET .COM &#8212- Chris Masse&#8217-s mugshot &#8212- Contact Chris Masse &#8212- Chris Masse&#8217-s LinkedIn profile &#8212- Chris Masse&#8217-s FaceBook profile &#8212- Chris Masse&#8217-s Google profile &#8212- Sophia-Antipolis, France, E.U. Read more from this author&#8230-

Read the previous blog posts by Chris. F. Masse:

  • Are David Pennock’s search engine prediction markets the worst marketing disaster since the New Coke?
  • Midas Oracle is incontestably [*] the best vertical portal to prediction markets.
  • Comment spam paid by Emile Servan-Schreiber of NewsFutures-Bet2Give
  • BetFair Games needs a Swedish provider to develop its gambling offerings.
  • When Markets Beat the Polls – Scientific American Magazine
  • Robin Hanson has some fanboy in India. Great. Tiny caveat: The parroting Indian writer does not acknowledge Robin Hanson by name.
  • Molecular Nanotechnology

Claude Allegre, Al Gore debunker

Claude Allegre debunks the first part of Al Gore&#8217-s documentary movie (the &#8220-catastrophism&#8221- part), and agrees with its second part (the &#8220-let&#8217-s use better technologies&#8221- part).

&#8220-Claude Allegre&#8221- at Google Search

Claude Allegre&#8217-s latest book (in French).

NEXT: An Inconvenient Truth &#8211- Al Gore’s movie