1. Some members noticed problems when they logged in in the comment area (at the bottom of a post). I have tested yesterday, and this problem seems gone. Let me know, otherwise. UPDATE: Oops, the problem remains. [Might be a cache problem.]
2. I have installed a new login area, on the top of the right-side sidebar. [It’s hand made, this time. The previous login area was generated by a plugin, which I have now deleted. I need to cut down on the use of plugins, generally. I use 32 plugins, as of today. Still too much, probably. Down from 60.]
You can right-click on the login link so as to open the login webpage in another tab —-and then you come back to your first tab. Alternatively, you can bookmark the login link, and use that bookmark to login —-before loading the frontpage.

2. You have to know that Internet Explorer has conflicted with the WordPress administration internal webpages. Do prefer Mozilla FireFox. (Or Opera, or Safari, or Chrome.)
3. As for the bug that prevents Midas Oracle to show the embedded YouTube videos in the feed, it is not yet resolved —-but an engineer from Automattic (WordPress) is looking into it. 
4. Do become a Midas Oracle member. Here is how to comment. Here is how to publish.
5. I am going to send soon an e-mail to all Midas Oracle members about my attempt at creating an “-Open Institute Of Prediction Markets“-. See you soon in your inbox. I’-ll tell you everything you need to know.