You can build a predictive model to find hidden patterns in financial data, or else.
–> Google Prediction API – Machine learning for your business.
You can build a predictive model to find hidden patterns in financial data, or else.
–> Google Prediction API – Machine learning for your business.
Apple represents the future of computing, while IBM is a paper tiger.
There is a disconnect somewhere.
Via Jason Ruspini:
When I first got an iPad, I was sold on it being the ultimate piece of science fiction technology for gaming. I think it is the most interesting new technology product I’-ve worked on in years and I really wanted to make games for it.
I don’-t think a lot of people are really thinking yet what games mean on these touch platforms, the joystick is gone, there is no proxy in between you and the screen anymore. When I first saw the photos being rotated and pinch / zoomed on the iPhone, I knew things had changed forever, and people are trying to insert something back in there when clearly the best applications are the ones where the screen is a window onto a world that you can touch. I am not a fan of virtual d-pads, pointers, or other crutches, we have an opportunity on these devices to let players hold, move, touch, and feel the game in front of them and I intend to focus on that.
People who invest in stocks should pile in on AAPL.
Ass-busting Gary Flake (nicknamed “-The Dark Vader Of The Internets”- since he joined MicroSoft from Yahoo!) has been showing off “-Pivot“-.
PC Mag reviews the iPad:
WSJ‘-s Walt Mossberg is very positive (“-IT IS *NOT* A BIG IPHONE”-, “-IT IS A ROBUST GENERAL-PURPOSE COMPUTER”-):
Download this post to watch the 2 videos if your feed reader does not show them to you.
– Mike Arrington’-s review of the iPad.
– Gifts.
– Batteries.
– Freedom.
– Using iPad without a computer.
– No Flash. Bye bye Flash. More.
– Web apps versus native apps.
Are our betting exchanges’- APIs programmable?
Fred Wilson insists on read/write APIs (#5).
Any comments?
Lance “-P NP”- Fortnow explains his usage of Twitter.
Jason Ruspini and David Pennock should listen.