CFTC: 3-2 in favor of approval of movie contracts -SO FAR.

What was said at the CFTC hearing on movie futures.

Hollywood Reporter.

Business Week. More.


Hollywood clashed with Wall Street on Wednesday at a government hearing about the potential sale of futures contracts linked to box office receipts of major motion pictures.

&#8220-financial engineering synthetic derivatives&#8221-


The CFTC plans to hold a public hearing next week to examine the growing controversy surrounding a plan by two firms to offer futures contracts tied to box-office receipts.

The CFTC plans to hold a public hearing next week to examine the growing controversy surrounding a plan by two firms to offer futures contracts tied to box-office receipts.

Felix Salmons hastily written NYT Op-Ed about the Cantor Exchange and MDEX

You will learn nothing.

Watch the US House video instead. You will have more facts and more arguments.

UPDATE: Mike Giberson has a remark on Felix&#8217-s piece.

Every investment in film is gambling.

A Case for Movie Futures &#8211- by Buzz Potamkin, former studio executive and producer, in the biz for 40+ years, now a consultant

What the Cantor Exchange (HSX) and the Media Derivatives Exchange (MDEX) really said to the US Congress about movie futures (a.k.a. box-office derivatives) – [VIDEO]

House Committee Agriculture @ US House Of Representatives:

Download this post to watch the video if your feed reader does not show it to you.

&#8211-> Prof Schuyler Moore mentions InTrade 1:35 into.

Via Paul Bleier on FaceBook.


The UK political prediction markets are starting to get fun.

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The British Republicans (&#8220-the Tories&#8221-) have dipped a bit more at BetFair, yesterday, and everybody is wondering why. (See the first comment in the second link.) Expect Max Keiser to weight in. We are going to have fun this spring, I kind of feel that in the air. :-D

UPDATE: Bad poll for the Tories.