Play money, that is.
Earning additional DKP
Time Trust: Your time trust is a small reserve that can be used to buy stock. Every 15 minutes, your account’-s time trust will gain 50 DKP. However, your time trust is capped at 5,000 DKP so you either use it or lose it. If you have DKP in your time trust, your stock purchases will draw down from the time trust before your cash reserve.
Submitting Content: Submitting content is a great way to get more DKP. You get a flat fee for submitting content, and then more DKP if people bid up your content. Learn how to submit content by checking out the Submit Articles, Submit Images, Submit Videos Tutorials. Learn more by reading the Rules.
Bidding on Content: Bidding on content and comments is another way you can earn DKP. Each person who bids the same way you do on an article, image, video, comment, or unlisted game will earn you DKP. Learn more about bidding on content by reading the Bids on Content tutorial. Find out the current rates by reading the Rules.
The “-Time Trust”- idea is a great idea. My web-hosting service provider does the same. For each additional week I stay with us, they give me one Giga of additional storage capacity and 16 Giga of additional bandwith capacity —-which my little group blog will never be able to consume anyway ( ).
And once I spend the time trust money (before I reach the cap), will they give me more, again, later on, as time passes?
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