John Stossel – Gambling in America – [VIDEO]

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Part 4 is about prediction markets and InTrade.

Part 4 is about InTrade&#8217-s prediction markets:

Max Keiser: Cantor Exchange and Media Derivatives Exchange would be an insiders/traderss paradise.

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Max Keiser &#8211- 12:00 into (17,000 views already):

I disagree with Max that a prediction market quote can change perceptions that much.

Short take on the new gambling laws in France

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I don&#8217-t like it, for the reasons explained by BetFair&#8217-s Mark Davies and Right2Bet.

The new law is going to be assessed by the French Supreme Court (Conseil Constitutionnel), the French Administrative Council (Conseil d’Etat about &#8220-les decrets d’application&#8221-), and the European Union. So, stay tuned.

Addendum: Eric Zemmour on the Internet gambling laws liberalization. (He is against.)

Cantor Exchange in the New York Times

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Richard Jaycobs uses the adjective &#8220-tremendous&#8221-. But here&#8217-s what the journalo says:

But buyers beware: if “Avatar” is any indication, the public isn’t always so wise about Hollywood fortunes. Most users of predicted a flop, and if those users had placed real money on the Cantor exchange, they would have taken a serious hit.