Wow, Pennock Senior is *much* crazier than Pennock Junior.
BetFair won’t release any public press release on all this, but they told me this: Following Stephen Burn’-s taking over BetFair US leadership, Mike Robb will be sent in New York to open a new “-BetFair Bureau”-, from which he’-ll spin the US media about the virtues of prediction markets. Here’-s BetFair’-s statement:
We have decided that the strategy for the U.S. is to enhance our visibility and to support our global product development initiatives, and, therefore, at this point, Betfair wants the U.S. communication team to integrate more closely with the U.K. marketing team. Given these changes, London-based Mark Davies will now be reporting to Mike Robb.
In other news, Shapeskeare was French (BBC).
I just wrote: “-Pennock Senior is *much* crazier than Pennock Junior.“-
Well, not true, actually. The son is completely off the deep end.
PC Mag reviews the iPad:
WSJ‘-s Walt Mossberg is very positive (“-IT IS *NOT* A BIG IPHONE”-, “-IT IS A ROBUST GENERAL-PURPOSE COMPUTER”-):
Download this post to watch the 2 videos if your feed reader does not show them to you.
– Mike Arrington’-s review of the iPad.
– Gifts.
– Batteries.
– Freedom.
– Using iPad without a computer.
– No Flash. Bye bye Flash. More.
– Web apps versus native apps.
Are our betting exchanges’- APIs programmable?
Fred Wilson insists on read/write APIs (#5).
Any comments?