I described in a previous post why I delisted his company from my list of prediction market consultants.
I want to share a remark with you, today. Here is a man from Holland who recruited by e-mail some US-based “-advisors”- —-one ocean away. One curious online recruit he made is professor Christopher Wlezien, the co-author of an academic paper…- that claims that prediction markets are *NO* better than damped polls:
For now, our results suggest the need for much more caution and less naive cheerleading about election markets on the part of prediction market advocates.
I bet that Florian Riahi didn’-t read that paper, and I bet that professor Christopher Wlezien accepted the advisory slot in order to make the simple point that the “-prediction market advocates”- are just a bunch of baloneys who don’-t read academic papers.
– How that prediction market consultant in Holland attracts economic advisers on the cheap
– I bet that those academic scholars…