The Open Institute Of Prediction Markets Posted on December 17, 2008 by admin …- will publish using the most liberal Creative Commons license.If you were wondering.– Related PostsThe Singularity University + The Prediction MarketsThe Wikipedia community is voting on migration to a new (anti)-copyright license.Open-Source, Free-Of-Charge, Constitutionally Open Prediction Exchange
Great, can’t wait to hear more.I would love for the dominant prediction market platform(s) to be “constitutionally open”. Reply ↓
The Institute won’t be an exchange, so your link is not of interest. However, the Creative Commons licenses are. Reply ↓
Mike,Do you have stats about the Creative COmmon licenses? Which one is the most used? Why is it that the most liberal license is not widely used? (That one that says that the only duty re-publishers have is attribution.) Reply ↓
Great, can’t wait to hear more.
I would love for the dominant prediction market platform(s) to be “constitutionally open”.
The Institute won’t be an exchange, so your link is not of interest. However, the Creative Commons licenses are.
Do you have stats about the Creative COmmon licenses? Which one is the most used? Why is it that the most liberal license is not widely used? (That one that says that the only duty re-publishers have is attribution.)