Question to Caveat Bettor

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In light of Robin Hanson&#8217-s latest blah blah blah&#8230-

Do you really think that a prediction market journalist (or blogger) should disclose his/her event derivative holdings (as you do systematically)?&#8230-

Just a question that crossed my mind.

I was in favor of it before I read Hanson. Now, I have doubts&#8230- (Hanson, be damned. :-D )

Previous blog posts by Chris F. Masse:

  • POLLS VERSUS PREDICTION MARKETS: Justin Wolfers retorts to Bob Erikson.
  • Based on market data from a tiny prediction exchange (IEM, which is much smaller than InTrade-TradeSports or BetFair), a couple of researchers claim that prediction markets do not have superior predictive power. — And, adding salt to injury, they call our prediction market luminaries (Robin Hanson, Justin Wolfers, etc.)… “naive”.
  • Do the media avoid reporting the bad omens that is sometimes reflected in the prediction markets?
  • BetFair’s brand-new bet matching logic
  • Quizz Of The Day — Monday Morning Edition
  • BEWARE THE BLOGGING ACADEMICS: They are not blogging to inform us —they are blogging to promote themselves.
  • Did Jason Ruspini and friends cash in on huge moves in prices of oil, natural gas, coal and other parts of the energy patch, this semester?

2 thoughts on “Question to Caveat Bettor

  1. caveat bettor said:

    I think authors can publish what they want, and that readers should assign credibility accordingly.

  2. caveat bettor said:

    I think authors can publish what they want, and that readers should assign credibility accordingly.

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