Previous blog posts by Chris F. Masse:
- JASON RUSPINI’S CROCKERY: The Brain states forcefully that they are not “event futures”, but “binary options”. Still, as soon as he premieres prediction markets on tax rates at InTrade, he calls them “tax futures” —of course.
- Tasmania’s Prime Minister who licenced BetFair Australia departs “abruptly”.
- Got that hardcover book on my desk, thanks to Steve Roman. It’s out in paperback form, today —for small people like you (the readers), who are not famous on the Web, and hence don’t get all the free gigs that big bloggers get for free. (((I pity you.)))
- Do not pay any attention to Jason Ruspini’s legal ramblings on Midas Oracle. — Do monitor Jason Ruspini’s portfolio of event derivatives, instead.
- WEB EXCLUSIVE: What Vernon Smith told the CFTC about the social utility of the event derivative markets —the so-called “prediction markets”
- Will the CFTC agree to license and regulate real-money prediction markets?
- Who will be the next US Vice President, past January 2009?