Very interesting Bloomberg article.
[I’-m resending this post in the loop and in the feed, because the link was broken- it is now corrected. Sorry for that.]
Previous blog posts by Chris F. Masse:
- Robin Hanson wants to rule the world —just as CEOs and heads of states do for a living.
- Predictify got funded… Great for those who will be hired… But is it a good thing, overall?
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb likens modern-day financial markets to medicine in the 1800s, when going to a hospital in London or Paris multiplied your risk of death by four times, he says. Similarly, quants increase risk by deploying flawed financial tools designed to reduce it, he argues.
- TradeSports-InTrade — Check Deposits
- BetFair Australia fought for free trade across Australian state boundaries… and won.