Pallavi Gogoi talks about “-predictive markets”- instead of prediction markets.
How dare.
Previous blog posts by Chris F. Masse:
- Last year’s best April Fool’s Day Joke had something to do with the Wisdom Of Crowds.
- Will HedgeStreet USA, the hypothetical InTrade USA, and the hypothetical TradeFair USA, be regulated in the future by a merged SEC+CFTC regulatory structure?
- WORST THAN ELIOT SPITZER (if it were possible): Formula One boss, Max Mosley, had sado-masochist sex with 5 prostitutes, for 5 hours (!!), reenacting a concentration camp scene (!!) in which he played the role of both Nazi guard and inmate.
- Is BetFair Poker a booby trap for the gullible novices? Does The Sporting Exchange (the operator of the BetFair brands) help gangs plucking down innocent recreational poker players?? To get an inkling, don’t read The Guardian, seeded by the BetFair spin doctor- read Midas Oracle.
- The video that the technologically retarded BetFair spin doctor should watch.
Did you read Bo Cowgill’s LinkedIn profile carefully? Look at his “specialties.”
Yes, I did. He uses the term “predictive markets” too, among others. He should be punished severely for that, of course.
By the way, it’s the term that was used in his 2005 blog post:…..-work.html
Did you read Bo Cowgill’s LinkedIn profile carefully? Look at his “specialties.”
Yes, I did. He uses the term “predictive markets” too, among others. He should be punished severely for that, of course.
By the way, it’s the term that was used in his 2005 blog post:…..-work.html