How can BetFair, the worlds market leader, produce such a piece of ****?

Betting @ BetFair – The Official BetFair News Site


&#8230- is a piece of ****.

#1. The brand name of this sub-site is crappy.

#2. The organization of the content is crappy.

#3. The content is crappy.

#4. Everything in it is totally crappy.


My meta thoughts:

  1. The non-media, commercial companies cannot produce interesting journalistic content &#8212-unless they partner or buy out a media.
  2. Most people don&#8217-t have what it takes to be a good journalist. The blogging revolution has opened the door to many wannabe journalists, which is good&#8230- but still&#8230- only a small percentage of all the bloggers are good journalists. A good journalist is fundamentally a bastard. He/she would kill his/her mother to get the scoop, to find the right headline, to grab attention, and to advance his/her ideological hidden agenda. [*] That&#8217-s a very different mindset than executives and managers have. Journalists are a special species.
  3. As of today, it is inconceivable to publish on the Web and not to abide by the conventions and standards established by the other publishers. In other words, if you publish a group blog, it should resemble in its layout to the other group blogs &#8212-because that&#8217-s what your readers are accustomed to. Most of your readers spend most of their time elsewhere on the Web, are shaped by that experience, and then impose the conventions and standards to your website.


[*] For instance, Mike Smithson&#8217-s hidden agenda is dual: number one, political betting has a social utility (forecasting), and, number two, the Liberal Democrats (that&#8217-s the third party in the U.K.) are good for Britain.


Note: I was admonished by Niall O&#8217-Connor, yesterday, for using a &#8217-special&#8217- image that conveyed perfectly what I thought about this BetFair sub-site. :-D I suppressed the shocking image, to make up with the Irish betting man. He was right that it attracted attention- that blog post was the most downloaded, yesterday. :-D Rock around the bunker… Rock around, rock around… Rock around the bunker… Rock around, rock around… Rock around the bunker… Rock around, rock around…

Author Profile&nbsp-Editor and Publisher of Midas Oracle .ORG .NET .COM &#8212- Chris Masse&#8217-s mugshot &#8212- Contact Chris Masse &#8212- Chris Masse&#8217-s LinkedIn profile &#8212- Chris Masse&#8217-s FaceBook profile &#8212- Chris Masse&#8217-s Google profile &#8212- Sophia-Antipolis, France, E.U. Read more from this author&#8230-

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