If you haven’-t seen this take a look: http://conferences.oreillynet.com/pub/w/64/about.html
The relevant bit:
Sample sessions and topics for Money:Tech include:
- Prediction markets work better than that other market
- Prediction markets are finally coming of age, becoming spooking-effective at predicting everything from movements in financial markets to American Idol winners. They are poised to go mainstream, and here’-s how.
In a brief email exchange with Paul Kedrosky, he said that he was struggling to find good content for a session like this.
Any thoughts or suggestions for him?
An additional link if you want to comment directly on his blog:
So, the guy decides to make a conference on prediction markets but does not have the first clue about prediction markets and whom to invite???
Sorry Chris. The conference is *not* about prediction markets. It is about how technology is affecting how Wall Street invests. One “technological” innovation that he is considering covering (among many) is prediction markets.
Thanks, Alex. Still, I think that if you want to make a section on prediction markets in a conference, you should master the topic and know the people in the field.
His byline plays on the hype and is not indicative of any particular inkling, which is something I look for.